This documentation is for WSO2 ESB version 4.0.3. View documentation for the latest release.

WSDL Based Proxy Template

The "WSDL Based Proxy" template creates a Proxy Service Samples out of a WSDL of an existing Web Service. Endpoint information is extracted from a remotely hosted WSDL of an actual service.

The Proxy Service settings:

  • Proxy Service Name - Allows to define the unique name of the Proxy Service.
  • WSDL URI - Consists of URL and URN. URL defines host address of network resource (can be omittedĀ if resources are not network homed) and URN defines the resource name in local "namespaces". For example, URI = where: URL = URN = pub/ADSL/
  • WSDL Service
  • WSDL Port
  • Publish same WSDL - Allows to select either to publish same WSDL or not.
  • Service Contract Publication Options (Same as "Publish WSDL Options")
  • Transports


You can test the URI clicking on the "Test URI" button. If the URI was tested successfully, the "WSO2 Carbon" window with confirmation appears.