This documentation is for WSO2 ESB version 4.5.0. View documentation for the latest release.

Sample 364: Executing Database Stored Procedures

Objective: Demonstrate the use of dblookup and dbreport mediators to execute a database Stored Procedures

<definitions xmlns=""

    <sequence name="main">
                    <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/>

            <log level="custom">
                <property name="text" value="** Reporting to the Database **"/>

                    <sql>call updateCompany(?,?)</sql>
                    <parameter xmlns:m0="http://services.samples"
                               expression="//m0:return/m1:last/child::text()" type="DOUBLE"/>
                    <parameter xmlns:m0="http://services.samples"
                               expression="//m0:return/m1:symbol/child::text()" type="VARCHAR"/>
            <log level="custom">
                <property name="text" value="** Looking up from the Database **"/>
                    <sql>call getCompany(?)</sql>
                    <parameter xmlns:m0="http://services.samples"
                               expression="//m0:return/m1:symbol/child::text()" type="VARCHAR"/>
                    <result name="stock_prize" column="price"/>
            <log level="custom">
                <property name="text"
                          expression="fn:concat('Stock Prize - ',get-property('stock_prize'))"/>


Prerequisites: Set up MySQL database server according to the sample setup guide.

  • Start the Synapse configuration numbered 364: i.e. wso2esb-samples -sn 364
  • Start the Axis2 server and deploy the SimpleStockQuoteService if not already done

Runs the client as follows

ant stockquote -Daddurl=http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService -Dtrpurl=http://localhost:8280/ -Dsymbol=IBM

Then you will get the following console output

INFO LogMediator text = ** Looking up from the Database ** ...
INFO LogMediator text = Company ID - c1 ...
INFO LogMediator text = Stock price - 183.3635460215262