This documentation is for WSO2 ESB version 4.5.1. View documentation for the latest release.

HTTP Relay Transport

HTTP Relay Transport (New in version 4.0) is a non-blocking HTTP transport implementation based on HTTP Core NIO and specially designed for streaming messages. It can be used as an alternative to the NHTTP transport. It does not care about the content type and simply streams all received messages through. It is as if the old message relay was engaged on all possible content types. The new transport also has a simpler and cleaner model for forwarding messages back and forth.


The old message relay was a message builder-formatter pair. You engage it on a per content type basis. Once engaged for a given content type, messages with that content type will be streamed through the ESB. Other than that it runs on same old NHTTP transport.

To enable the HTTP Relay Transport, uncomment the relevant HTTP transport entries in the axis2.xml. You should also comment out the usual settings for NHTTP transport receiver and sender. It does not require the binary relay builder and expanding formatter.

The HTTP Relay Transport provides functionality similar to the message relay.