This documentation is for WSO2 ESB version 4.5.1. View documentation for the latest release.

Event Mediator

The Event Mediator (New in version 4.0) redirects the incoming events to the Event topics.

The Qpid Server can be used as as an event broker with the Event Mediator. 


<event xmlns="" topic="" [expression=""] />

UI Configuration

The configuration options for Event Mediator are:

  • Topic Type
    • Static
    • Dynamic
  • Topic - Topic to which the events are dispatched. This can be a static topic, or can be specified using an XPath as a dynamic topic.
  • Expression - Xpath to extract the message to be submitted.


You can configure the Mediator using XML. Click on "switch to source view" in the "Mediator" window.


<!-- Simple Eventing configuration -->
 <definitions xmlns="">

     <sequence name="PublicEventSource" >
            <log level="full"/>
            <event topic="SampleEventSource"/>

     <proxy name="EventingProxy">
         <target inSequence="PublicEventSource" />

In this scenario, the user has defined a Top source called SampleEventSource. When an event notification comes to the EventingProxy Proxy Service, the messages will be logged and sent to the event source.

Also refer to Topics and Eventing.