This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Switching On and Off

An endpoint is a specific destination for a message. Endpoints can be switched on and off as required. This is functionality allows endpoints to be temporarily deactivated to avoid performance issues that result from heavy traffic.

Switching on and off is available only for defined endpoints, which are endpoints saved in the Synapse configuration. You cannot switch off dynamic endpoints, which are saved in the registry.

Switching on an endpoint

Follow the instructions below to activate a defined endpoint by switching it on.

  1. Log into the ESB Management Console using your username and password.
  2. Click Endpoints in the Service Bus section of the Main tab to open the Manage Endpoints page.

    Manage Endpoints 
  3. Click on the Defined Endpoints tab. Then click on the Switch On link of the endpoint you want to activate.


Switching off an endpoint

Use the following instructions to deactivate a currently active defined endpoint.

  1. Log into the ESB Management Console using your username and password.
  2. Click Endpoints in the Service Bus section of the Main tab to open the Manage Endpoints page as shown in the Switching on an endpoint section.
  3. In the Defined Endpoints tab, click on the Switch Off link of the required  endpoint.
