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Stored procedure is a powerful mechanism to interact with a relational database. It allows business logic to be embedded inside database as an API. Stored procedure is stored in a precompiled format within the database itself resulting in faster execution speed. Client programs can be restricted to accessing database only via stored procedures. Thus enforcing fine grained security, preservation of data integrity and improved productivity. All major Database engines support stored procedures.

Databases are available in WSO2 ESB as a plug-in feature.


To add databases to ESB Management Console, install the Admin Console feature. For more information see Installing Features. 

WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus stored procedure support is not limited to MySQL 5 but it can be tried out with any other relational database engine of the ESB user's preference.

You can add a new Database, delete and edit the created ones.

See also DBReport Mediator and DBLookup Mediator.