Adding a Local Entry

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Adding a Local Entry

The local registry acts as a memory registry where you can store text strings, XML strings, and URLs. These entries can be retrieved from a mediator. WSO2 ESB allows to add new local entries easily using user interface configuration.

Follow the instructions below to add local registry entries.

1. Sign In. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. Click the "Main" button to access the "Manage" menu.

3. Click on "Local Entries," in the left "Service Bus" menu, to access the "Manage Local Registry Entries" page.

4. The "Manage Local Registry Entries" page appears.

5. Select the "Add Localentries" tab.

6. Select an local entry type to be added from the list.

The following local entry types are available:

  • In-lined Text Entry - Text content that is being shared as an entry within the ESB.
  • In-lined XML Entry - XML content (XSLT, Policy, WSDL, etc.) that is being shared as an entry within the ESB.
  • Source URL Entry - Hosted resource accessed via an URL to be shared as an entry within the ESB.

In-lined Text Entry

Inlined Text Entry stores a plain text entry.

1. If this entry was chosen, the "Inlined Text Entry" page appears. Enter a name to the field and value to the "Toggle editor" text area. You may also add a description to the local entry. 

2. Click "Save." The "Manage Local Registry Entries" page will display the added entry.

In-lined XML Entry

Inlined XML Entry stores an XML string.

1. If this entry was chosen, the "Inlined XML Entry" page appears. Enter a name to the field and XML value to the "Toggle editor" textarea. You may also add a description to the local entry. 

2. Click "Save." The "Manage Local Registry Entries" page will display the added entry.

Source URL Entry

Source URL Entry stores a URL.

1. If this entry was chosen, the "Source URL Entry" page appears. Enter the required details: name and URL. You may also add a description to the local entry. 

2. Click "Save." The "Manage Local Registry Entries" page will display the added entry.