This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit

Accessing Services

You can view existing services in the Management Console by clicking the Main tab and clicking Manage -> Web Services -> List.

The Deployed Services page appears.

The Services table provides the following options:

  • Check boxes - Allow you to select one or more services to delete.
  • Service Name - Displays the name of a service.
  • Service Type- Displays the service type.





  • Security - Allows you to enable or disable security for a service.
  • WSDL Files - Allows you to get the WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0 files from the Deployed Services panel. When you click the WSDL link, the WSDL file of your service opens in the browser.
  • Try It - Allows you to validate the output of your service. When you click the link, you will be directed to another page where you give the parameters for the operations. When you give the parameters for the operation, a button corresponding to your service appears. When you click this button, you will get the output. For more details refer to Try It tool.

You can click on the deployed service group(s) link to access information about the service groups that have been deployed.

The Deployed Services page provides information and controls for managing the deployed service groups:

  • Information bar - Click Faulty Service Groups to see information about the service groups that weren't deployed and optionally delete them.
  • List filter - Filter the Service Groups list by a service type or by part or all of a service name.
  • Toolbar - Select or deselect all service groups (to select individual service groups, click their check boxes instead), and delete the selected service groups.
  • Services list -

All the services deployed to WSO2 ESB can be accessed via the http(s):<esb>8280/services/ URL by default. If you want to disable this, the following property should be added to the <ESB_HOME>/repository/conf/ file.


For more information, see Managing Services, Working with Services, and Adding a Proxy Service.