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About this Release

What's New in this Release

WSO2 ESB version 4.7.0 is the successor of version 4.6.0. It contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • The new HTTP endpoint allows you to define REST endpoints using URI templates similar to the REST API. The URI templates allow a RESTful URI to contain variables that can be populated during mediation runtime. An HTTP endpoint can also define the particular HTTP method to use in the RESTful invocation.
  • The new Multi-HTTPS transport allows you to have different SSL profiles with separate trust stores and keystores for different hosts using the same ESB. 
  • The PayloadFactory mediator, which transforms the payload of a message, now supports JSON, so you can handle JSON messages without first converting them to XML and can write JSON expressions to populate the values in the payload at runtime. 
  • When adding a task, you can now specify the sequence or proxy service where you want the message injected. If you do not specify this attribute, the task injects the message into the main sequence.  
  • When managing endpoints, sequences, and APIs in the Management Console, you can use the new Search field to quickly find an existing endpoint/sequence/API by typing all or part of its name.
  • When you undeploy a Carbon application, the main and fault sequences now revert to the default settings.
  • You can now configure the ESB to retry an endpoint (or disable retry) when a specific error code occurs using the new retryConfig element. 
  • Mediation logic can now read the incoming transport name using the new TRANSPORT_IN_NAME property.
  • The JMS transport now supports producing and consuming JMS MapMessage objects, which send a set of name/value pairs.
  • The HTTP PassThrough and HTTP-NIO transports now support connection throttling, allowing you to restrict the number of simultaneous open connections that they handle, and SSL tunneling, which allows you to create a secure connection between the ESB and a proxy server.  
  • The HTTPS-NIO transport now supports custom SSL profiles on both the receiver and sender, not just the sender, and it supports verification of certificate revocation before completing the SSL connection.
  • The HL7 transport now supports application acknowledgement, which waits for the application to respond before sending the acknowledgement message. 
  • Previously, when the content type of a message was text/xml, the message was treated as SOAP. Now, text/xml messages are treated as plain old XML (POX) unless a SOAPAction is present.

Fixed and Known Issues