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About this Release

What's new in this release

WSO2 ESB version 4.8.0 is the successor of version 4.7.0. It contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • WSO2 ESB now ships with connectors that make it easy for your message flow to interact with third-party services such as Salesforce. 
  • Native JSON support with JSONPath in Filter, Switch, Property, Payload Factory and Log mediators.
    • In addition to XPath expressions, you can now specify JSON Path expressions on the Property mediatorFilter mediatorSwitch mediator, and Log mediator using the json-eval() method. Additionally, JSON message transformation performance has been greatly enhanced in JSON<->JSON and JSON<->XML transformation scenarios.
  • There have been several improvements to message processors and message stores:
    • Stabilization of Message Store and Processors to cater guaranteed delivery and rate matching scenarios.
    • Message processors now support RESTful messages, enabling guaranteed delivery with REST.
    • Message processors now retain active/inactive state, so that when you restart the ESB, only the active processors are started.
    • In addition to address endpoints, message forwarding processors now support Address, HTTP, WSDL and default endpoints.
    • Message forwarding processors now allow you to configure separate intervals for message consumption and retrying messages.
    • Message stores can now be used for multiple message processors, allowing the message store to act as a queue that load balances the messages among the nodes while maintaining performance by using a separate thread for each message processor.
    • Both message processors and message stores can now apply security policies to incoming and outgoing messages. 
  • The new Call mediator is a highly performant mediator used to send messages out of the ESB to an endpoint. The Call mediator invokes the service in a synchronous manner and returns without waiting for the response. The Call mediator is very similar to the Callout Mediator, which performs a blocking external service invocation during mediation. Unlike the Callout mediator, the Call mediator leverages the non-blocking transports for much greater performance. 
  • The new secure vault allows you to secure the passwords and authentication keys you specify in your configurations so that you are not entering them in plain text in the XML files.
  • The new Loopback mediator moves messages from the In flow to the Out flow. All configuration in the In flow that appears after the Loopback mediator is skipped. 
  • The new Respond mediator stops the processing on the current message and sends the message back to the client as a response. 
  • You can now select and delete multiple endpoints, sequences, and APIs in bulk.
  • When adding an endpoint, you can now specify both Retry and Non Retry error codes that determine whether the node is suspended and the request retried when there is a failure.
  • The VFS transport provides two new throttling parameters, FileProcessCount and FileProcessInterval, which allow you to control the number of files processed in each batch and time between batches. It also now supports the FTPS protocol with SSL with both client and server authentication.

Compatible versions

ESB 4.8.0 is compatible with WSO2 Carbon 4.2.0 products. This includes:

  • API Manager 1.5.0
  • Application Server 5.2.0
  • Data Services Server 3.1.0
  • Developer Studio 3.3.0
  • ELB 2.1.0
  • Identity Server 4.5.0
  • Governance Registry 4.6.0

For more information on the products in each Carbon platform release, see the Release Matrix.

Deprecated features

  • Previously, the Transport Management feature allowed you to override transport configuration at runtime using the ESB management console. Because changing transports at runtime can lead to server instability and is not a recommended practice, this feature has been deprecated in this release. For information on configuring transports, see Configuring Transports.
  • Mediation libraries have been replaced by connectors.

Fixed and known issues

Following are the fixed and known issues in this release: