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Local Registry Entries

The local registry acts as a memory registry where you can store text strings, XML strings, and URLs. These entries can be retrieved from a mediator. WSO2 ESB allows you to add, edit, and delete local registry entries easily.

Local Registry/Local Entries

The <localEntry> element is used to declare registry entries that are local to the ESB instance as shown below:

<localEntry key="string" src="url">text | xml</localEntry>

These entries are top-level entries and are globally visible within the entire system. Values of these entries can be retrieved via the extension XPath function synapse:get-property(prop-name), and the keys of these entries could be specified wherever a registry key is expected within the configuration.

An entry can be static text specified as inline text or static XML specified as an inline XML fragment, or it can be specified as a URL (using the src attribute). A local entry shadows any entry with the same name from a remote Registry.

<localEntry key="version">0.1</localEntry>
<localEntry key="validate_schema">
   <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" ...
<localEntry key="xslt-key-req" src="file:repository/samples/resources/transform/transform.xslt"/>

If you want to add local entries before deploying the server, you can add them to the top-level bootstrap file synapse.xml, or to separate XML files in the local-entries directory, which are located in under <ESB_HOME>\repository\deployment\server\synapse-configs\default. When the server is started, these configurations will be added to the registry. For more information, see Storing Various WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus Configurations and Working with the Registry.