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Transport Statistics

The "Transport Statistics" page shows statistics related to Transports. It displays only the Transports which are implementing the interface org.apache.axis2.transport.base.ManagementSupport. These transport statistics include bytes received, bytes sent, faults receiving, faults sending,last reset time, max size received, max size sent, messages received, messages sent, metrics window, min size received, min size sent, queue size, timeouts receiving, timeouts sending. For more information about transports see ESB Transports and Working with Transports.

Follow the instructions below to access the Transport Statistics.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. Click on "Monitor" on the left side to access the "Monitor" menu.

3. In the "Monitor" menu, click on "Transport Statistics."

4. The "Transport Statistics" page appears.

  • The Listener Graph - Shows the temporal variation of listener's received/sent bytes of information for all the transports.
  • The Sender Graph - Shows the temporal variation of sender's received/sent bytes of information for all the transports.

5. Click on a link to view the relevant statistics which relates to a certain transport.

6. Each link will take you to a new page that displays the transport statistics exposed by JMX. For example, HTTP transport was selected:

  • The Listener Graph - Shows the the temporal variation of listener's received/sent bytes of information for the certain transport.
  • The Sender Graph - Shows the the temporal variation of sender's received/sent bytes of information for the certain transport.
  • The Listener Details- Shows transport statistics in details:
    • Active Thread Count
    • Avg Size Received
    • Avg Size Sent
    • Bytes Received
    • Bytes Sent
    • Faults Receiving
    • Faults Sending
    • Last Reset Time
    • Max Size Received
    • Max Size Sent
    • Messages Received
    • Messages Sent
    • Metrics Window
    • Min Size Received
    • Min Size Sent
    • Queue Size
    • Timeouts Receiving
    • Timeouts Sending
  • The Sender Details - Shows transport statistics in details. See the listener details.
  • Statistics Configuration- Allows to configure the graph according to your requirements.
    • Statistics Refresh Interval (ms)
    • Transport Listener Graph
      • X-Scale (units)
      • X-Width (px)
    • Transport Sender Graph
      • X-Scale (units)
      • X-Width (px)


Once changing the statistics configuration, click on the "Update" button.