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Deleting an Endpoint

An endpoint is a specific destination for a message. If you no longer need a particular endpoint, you can delete it from the Defined Endpoints list in the ESB.

To delete an endpoint:
  1. In the ESB Management Console, click Main in the left menu to access the Manage menu.
  2. In the Manage menu, click Endpoints under Service Bus.
  3. On the Manage Endpoints page, click the tab where your endpoint is located:
    Defined Endpoints - Shows endpoints saved in Synapse configuration.
    Dynamic Endpoints - Shows endpoints saved in the Registry.
  4. Click the check box for each endpoint you want to delete, and then click the Delete link above or below the table.

    Clicking the Delete link in a specific row will only delete the endpoint in that row. To delete multiple endpoints, be sure to click the Delete link that appears above or below the table.

  5. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the selected endpoints.