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Transaction Mediator

The Transaction Mediator is used to provide transaction functionality for its child mediators.


<transaction action="commit|fault-if-no-tx|new|resume|suspend|rollback|use-existing-or-new"/>

UI configuration

The Action parameter is used to select a transaction action to be performed. Available values are as follows.

Commit Transaction (commit)This marks the transaction as completed and ends the transaction.
Fault if no Transaction (fault-if-no-tx)This goes to the error handler if there is no transaction.
Initiate new Transaction (new)This provides the entry point for a new transaction.
Resume Transaction (resume)This resumes a paused transaction.
Suspend Transaction (suspend)This pauses a transaction.
Rollback Transaction (rollbackThis rolls back a transaction.
Use existing or Initiate Transaction (use-existing-or new)If a transaction already exists, this value continues it. If no transaction already exists, a new transaction will be created.


You can configure the mediator using XML. Click switch to source view in the Mediator window.


For an example of using the Transaction mediator, see Transaction Mediator Example.