Subscribing to a Topic

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Subscribing to a Topic

The subscription allows to receive events published to the specified topic and all its children.

Follow the instructions below to add subscriptions for a particular topic.

1. Sign In. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. Click the "Main" button to access the "Manage" menu.

3. Click on "Browse," under "Topics", to access the "Topic Browser" page.

4. The "Topic Browser" page appears. Click on the topic you want to add a subscription to.

5. Click on the "Subscribe" link.

6. The "Subscribe" page appears. Specify the required details.

The following options are available:

  • Topic - User does not need to specify the topic here, since its automatically sets up.
  • Subscription Mode- This is the mode of the subscription and there are tree modes:
    • "Topic Only" - The default mode for the subscription. With this mode, user creates the subscription only to the topic. In that mode subscribers only receive events, which are published only to the that topic.
    • "Topic and Immediate child" - Allows to receive events published not only the specified topic, but also to the immediate child of that topic.
    • "Topic and Children" - Allows to receive events published to the specified topic and all its children
  • Event Sink URL - This is the URL which the subscriber should provide to receive events published. When events are published to the topic, they are sent to the specified URL here.
  • Expiration Time - Here user can specify the expiration time of the subscription. This is not a required parameter and if user leave it alone, subscription will never be expired.

7. The "WSO2 Carbon" window appears. Click "OK."

See more information about subscriptions in Managing Subscriptions.