com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Message Relay Module

Message Relay has an axis2 module as well. This is an optional feature. This module can be used to build the actual SOAP message from the messages that went through the Message Relay. See Working with Modules.

To enable this module, the user has to enable the relay module globally in the axis2.xml.

<module ref="relay"/>

Also user has to put the following phase into the InFlow of axis2.

<phase name="BuildingPhase"/>

This module is designed to be used by Admin Services that runs inside the ESB. All the admin services are running with content type: application/soap+xml. So if a user wants to use admin console and use the ESB for receiving messages with content type application/soap+xml, this module should be used.

User can configure the module by going to the modules section in admin console and then going to the relay module. The module configuration is specified as a module policy. 


After changing the policy user has to restart the ESB for changes to take effect.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.