This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Configuration Files

The configurations for the Registry are kept in the registry.xml which can be found inside the GREG_HOME/repository/conf/. You can configure various parameters of the registry in there.

These parameters are described in details on the following pages:


In order for these parameters to take effect, you have to restart the registry.

WSO2 Governance Registry includes the following key configuration files:

  • Configuration for the WSO2 Carbon Server (carbon.xml)
  • Configuration for Embedded Apache Axis2 Client and Server (axis2.xml and axis2_client.xml)
  • Configuration for Media Types of Resources stored on the Repository (mime.types)
  • Configuration for Human Readable Media Types (mime.mappings)


Human readable Media Types are basically a way of using a human readable name in place of MIME type (for example, WSDL instead of application/wsdl+xml). This was achieved by introducing a new $GREG_HOME/repository/conf/etc/mime.mappings. The new entry should be add as follow.

 application/wsdl+xml    WSDL

  • Configuration for Permission Mappings (permission-mappings.xml)


Configuration for mappings between administration permissions (or management console permissions) and resource permissions can be defined in the permission mappings file. This file can be found in $GREG_HOME/repository/conf/etc/permission-mappings.xml. These are defined in XML elements that also accepts one or resource paths for which these mappings apply.

  • Configuration for the WSO2 Governance Registry (registry.xml)
  • Configuration for Embedded Tomcat Servlet Transports (transports.xml)
  • Configuration for Managing Users on the WSO2 Carbon Server (user-mgt.xml)
  • Configuration for running the Daemon script (wrapper.conf)