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Check-in Client Examples

Here are some examples of using check-in client.


Here the Check-in Client is running in windows. If you are on Linux, you have to use instead. See Running Check-in Client.


For the username and the password, the default values "admin" "admin" are used. Please, replace them with your username and password when you are trying these commands.

Sample Scenario

Command to run

Checking out a root collection from a remote registry running on https://localhost:9443 to the current working directory.

checkin-client.bat co https://localhost:9443/registry/ -u admin -p admin_pw

Checking out a root collection from the local registry to the current working directory (You should set the GREG_HOME environment variable to the registry you are referring).

checkin-client.bat co / -u admin -p admin_pw

Checking in a collection from the current working directory back to the registry which it check out (This command is independent of whether it is checked out from a local registry or a remote registry. It will anyway commit it back to where it is checked out from).

checkin-client.bat ci / -u admin -p admin_pw

Update an already checkout location.

checkin-client.bat co / -u admin -p admin_pw

Dump a remote registry root to a file.


Notice the additional -f option

checkin-client.bat co https://localhost:9443/registry/ -u admin -p admin_pw -f remote.dump

Restore a dump file to a remote registry root.


Provide the URL with the ci command. See The Check-in Client Commands.

checkin-client.bat ci https://localhost:9443/registry/ -u admin -p admin_pw -f remote.dump

Dump the local registry root to a file.

checkin-client.bat co / -u admin -p admin_pw -f local.dump

Restore a dump file to a local registry root.

checkin-client.bat ci / -u admin -p admin_pw -f local.dump

Copy entire tree from /path1 to /path2 using check-in client.


This can be done through copy command too. See The Check-in Client Commands.

  • checkin-client.bat co /path1 -u admin -p admin_pw -f temp.dump
  • checkin-client.bat ci https://localhost:9443/registry/path2 -u admin -p admin_pw -f temp.dump

Copy entire tree from Governance Registry 1 (runs on 9443 port) to Governance Registry 2 (runs on 9444 port) using check-in client.

  • checkin-client.bat co https://localhost:9443/registry/ -u admin -p admin_pw -f temp.dump
  • checkin-client.bat ci https://localhost:9444/registry/ -u admin -p admin_pw -f temp.dump