Managing Services

This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit https://wso2.com/documentation/.

Managing Services

Users are provided to give their own service description through UI in the "Metadata" sub menu. Users can provide their own name to the service and much information about the service which will be really useful when it comes to SOA Governance. Users can also specify states for the services, for an instance as Test stage, Deployed stage, Deprecated stage etc.

Adding a Service

User can provide information like transport protocols, message formats, message exchange patterns etc.

Follow the instructions below to add a new service to the Governance Registry.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the Management Console.

2. Click the "Main" button to access the "Metadata" menu.

3. From the left navigation menu, under "Add," in the "Metadata" menu, select "Service."

4. On the "Add Service" page, specify the following options:

  • Name - The name of a service.
  • Namespace - The name of a namespace the service related to.
  • Version - The service version. Should be in format "1.2.3"
  • Description - A brief description of a service.

5.  A user can add a lifecycle to a service from the life cycle panel on right and will be displayed on the panel after getting added. 

6. Optionally, you can also add contacts. Click on the "Add Contact" link under "Contacts." Select a contact's type from the drop-down menu and enter the contact name or organization name.

7.Specify the following options under the "Interface:"

  • WSDL URL- If user provide an actual WSDL URL given WSDL will import as the WSDL for the imported resource which create an Association between the imported service resource and imported WSDL. Meantime if user import a WSDL through the "Add WSDL" UI a Service resource by available information from the WSDL will be created, so the user can go to service resource and add more service information by consuming edit service operation. See Managing WSDLs.
  • Transport Protocols-  Select the available transport protocols from the drop-down menu. You can select the following ones:
    • HTTP
    • HTTPS
    • SMTP
    • TCP
    • XMPP
    • JMS
  • Message Formats -Select the available message formats from the drop-down menu. You can select the following ones:
    • SOAP 1.1
    • SOAP 1.2
    • XML
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • BINARY
  • Message Exchange Patterns -Select the message exchange patterns from the drop-down menu. 
    • None
    • Request Response
    • One Way

8.Manage the security options:

  • Authentication Platform -Select the authentication platform from the drop-down menu. The available options are:
    • Builtln  
    • WSO2 Identity Server
  • Authentication Mechanism -Select the authentication mechanism from the drop-down menu. The available options are:
    • Open ID
    • InfoCard
    • Client Certificates
    • HTTPS Basic Authentication
    • IP Address Filtering
    • WS-SecurtyWS-Trust Token
  • Authorization Platform-Select the authorization platform from the drop-down menu. The available options are:
    • Builtln  
    • WSO2 Identity Server
  • Message Integrity-Select the message integrity from the drop-down menu. The available options are:
    • SSL
    • WS-Security
    • XML Digital Signatures
  • Message Encryption -Select the message encryption from the drop-down menu. The available options are:
    • SSL
    • WS-Security
    • XML Digital Signatures
  • Comments - Enter comment on the security if necessary.

9. Optionally you can add an endpoint to a service. Click on the "Add Endpoint" link. Select an environment from the drop-down menu and specify the URL of an endpoint.

10. Add some document links to the service. Specify the following options:

  • Document Type - The type of a document.
  • URL - The URL where this document is located.
  • Comment - Any comment on the document link.

11. Once all the options are specified, click on the "Save" button.

List Services

  1. All the added services can be viewed under List Services.

  2. Information such as Service Name, Service Version, Service Namespace, Life Cycle status and Actions are illustrated about services. 

  3. A service can be selected by the version of the service. 

See also Governance Artifact Configurations for more information about service configuration.

Filtering Service List

The Service List UI also supports a basic filter to quickly find a service by name and also an advanced filter, which allows you to find service by attributes.

  1. Click on the "Advanced Service Filter" link to bring up the "Filter Services" page.

2. Fill in the filtering criteria and click the "Filter" button to proceed.

3. You now should see services that match your filter criteria.

Service Versioning

Versioning of services is an important aspect of WSO2 Governance Registry's service governance. This achieved through the lifecycle of the service. After opening the service on the Resource Browser, you can add a lifecycle to the service through the Lifecycles section.

1. To add a lifecycle, click on the "Add Lifecycle" link.

2. In the "Add Lifecycle" panel, define the type of a lifecycle to enable.

3. Click on the "Add" button to add a lifecycle.

4. Once a lifecycle is associated to the resource, user is allowed to promote once all checklist items are clicked, if available. Check the box in the checklist.

The following options are available:

  • Code Completed
  • WSDL, Schema Created
  • QoS Created

5. Click on the "Promote" button.


For more information on Lifecycle Management of resources (including services), read the section on Managing Lifecycle. To understand how to configure lifecycle operations, checklists etc, read about Configuring Lifecycles.

After clicking on the "Promote" button, you should see a screen similar to the following appearing on your browser.

Depending on the number name names of service dependencies, the screen that you see might change. After specifying the versions of the dependencies, you need to click on the "Proceed" button, which will promote the service to the "Testing" state.

The service list should now display two versions of the same service in two different lifecycle states.

Comparing Services

When you have multiple services, it is often required to compare two or more services and understand which one is the best fit for your requirement. To learn how to setup comparison between two services see the second alternative of the Custom Report Sample. To compare more than two services at a time, you just need to change the Report Generator and the Reporting Template used. The same can also be done using the Governance APIs of WSO2 Governance Registry.