Viewing Lifecycle Usage

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Viewing Lifecycle Usage

If a lifecycle is assigned to a resource or collection, it is considered to be in use. You can find out what resources use a lifecycle and make this lifecycle unused if necessary (for example, if you want to edit or delete it.)

Follow the instructions below to see what resources/collections use a particular lifecycle.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the Management Console.

2. Click the "Extensions" button to access the "Extensions" menu.

3. From the left navigation menu, under "Extensions," select "Lifecycles."

4. Locate the necessary lifecycle and click on the "Find Usage" link.

5. In the "Search Results," you can see the list of resources/collections which use this lifecycle.

6. Click on the resource's link to manage the lifecycle.

7. On the "Browse" page, you can see the detailed information about the selected resource/collection.

See Managing the Resources and Managing Lifecycle to learn more information on how to manage or delete a lifecycle of a resource.