The Check-in Client Commands

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The Check-in Client Commands

The Check-in Client should be used with either check-in, checkout or update commands. Here is the description about each of these commands:

The Command

A description about the command

co or checkout

Use this command to check out a registry path to the local file system or to a single dump file.
If you check out a local registry (which you have to set GREG_HOME path), just provide the path. For example:

  • "/"
  • "/path1" - If you check out a remote registry, provide the registry URL followed by the path.
  • "https://localhost:9443/registry"
  • "https://localhost:9443/registry/path1"


    When you check out to the file system, the file/directory names will have the URL encoded value of the corresponding resource name. For example, space will be converted into the "+" character and ":" will be converted into "%3A" (without quotes) character sequence. This was done to eliminate the possibility that some resource names are not supported to be set as names of files/directories of some file systems (under some operating systems).

ci or check-in

Use this command to check-in (commit) to the registry from a dump file or from the file system (an existing checkout or a new directory structure).

  • If you are committing a dump file, provide a path or path prefixed by registry URL just after the check-in command.
  • If you are committing a file system you can provide a URL of a registry followed by the command to commit it back to a particular location, or you do not need to provide any URL if you want to check-in it to the same location where you got the checkout.


    If you check-in a file which has spaces in its name, the tool will correctly check-in to a resource with the same name (containing spaces), but it will create a replicate file back in the file system with the name you get after replacing spaces with "+" character and you are asked to delete the original one.

up or update

Use this command to update an already committed local file system.


This command is not available if you have checked out to a dump file, as it can be updated using the checkout command itself.


Use this command to add new resources in the client side. This is reflected in the registry when committing. In earlier versions of check-in client, there were no option like this and whatever we put in the checked in location is committed. However, now the resource must be added to be reflected in the registry.

Command -
Linux - sh checkin-client.sh add x.xml
Windows - checkin-client.bat add x.xml

If you want to specify the media type when adding, you can use the following commands:
Linux - sh checkin-client.sh add x.xml -mediatype application/policy+xml
Windows - checkin-client.bat add x.xml -mediatype application/policy+xml


Though the media type is specified, it does not go through the registry handlers when committing to the registry.


Use this command to delete a resource which is checked in using checkin client. This is reflected in the registry when committing and the local resource is not deleted until then (this method is for the purpose of reverting). Earlier the resource can be deleted using OS delete but in the current version it does not delete the resource in the registry until the resource is deleted using the delete command.

Command -
Linux - sh checkin-client.sh delete x.xml
Windows - checkin-client.bat delete x.xml

propset (add/update property)

Use this command to add or update a resource property. You can set any number of properties in one command as key value pairs.

Command -
Linux - sh checkin-client.sh propset x.xml property1 value1 property2 value2
Windows - checkin-client.bat propset x.xml property1 value1 property2 value2


Use this command to delete a resource property. You can delete any number of properties in one command giving key set.

Command -
Linux - sh checkin-client.sh propdelete x.xml property1 property2
Windows - checkin-client.bat propdelete x.xml property1 property2

See also The Check-in Client Options.