This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Topics Used to Subscribe

If you choose to subscribe by making a SOAP call to the dedicated subscription manager endpoint of the WSO2 Governance Registry according to the WS-Eventing specification, you will need to specify the topic which will be used to filter the subscribed endpoints to which the notifications must be sent for each event generated. This is achieved by adding a Filter to the subscription request. This filter must be in the following format.

<wse:Filter Dialect="">TOPIC</wse:Filter>

The TOPIC should be of the following format.


The RESOURCE_PATH would be / for the root collection and it will be /system for the system collection.

Therefore, the Topic for the XYZ event generated for an operation performed at the root collection would be /XYZ and the event generated for an operation performed at the system collection would be /system/XYZ.

The topics corresponding to the pre-defined event types for collections are as follows.

  • Create Child - ChildCreated
  • Delete Child - ChildDeleted
  • Update - CollectionUpdated
  • Check LC Item - CheckListItemChecked
  • Uncheck LC Item - CheckListItemUnchecked
  • Change LC State - LifeCycleStateChanged

The topics corresponding to the pre-defined event types for resources are as follows.

  • Update - ResourceUpdated
  • Check LC Item - CheckListItemChecked
  • Uncheck LC Item - CheckListItemUnchecked
  • Change LC State - LifeCycleStateChanged


Each subscription would be made to a valid topic or if not the notifications will not be delivered.