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Encrypting and Decrypting Simple Texts

The cipher tool encrypts and decrypts simple texts. You can launch the tool by running the and ciphertool.bat scripts available at $GREG_HOME/bin directory. The arguments accepted by this tool are as follows:

  • keystore - If keys are in a store , its location
  • storepass - Password to access the keyStore
  • keypass - To get private key
  • alias - Alias to identify key owner
  • storetype - Type of the keystore. Default is JKS
  • keyfile - If key is in a file
  • opmode - Encrypt or decrypt. Default is encrypt
  • algorithm - Encrypt or decrypt algorithm. Default is RSA
  • source - Either cipher or plain text as an in-lined form
  • outencode - Currently base64 and used for encoding the result
  • inencode - Currently base64 and used to decode input
  • trusted - Is KeyStore a trusted store? If this argument is provided, consider as a trusted store
  • passphrase - if a simple symmetric encryption using a pass phrase shall be used

For example,

ciphertool.bat -source testpass -keystore resources/security/client-truststore.jks -storepass wso2carbon -alias wo2carbon -outencode
base64 -trusted