com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Tables Used in Governance Registry

All WSO2 Carbon-based products prominently use two types of tables to store information regarding the product. They are registry-related tables prefixed by REG_, and user management related tables prefixed by UM_.

Registry Tables

REG_LOGAudit logs of all repository operations. Action is used to capture the type of action (ex:- PUT, DELETE, RENAME). Optionally, ee can store additional data related to that action in Action Data.
REG_ASSOCIATIONList of all associations on the repository.
REG_PATHA table of all collection paths on the repository that maps a path to some identifier. The path (ex:- /_system/governance) is only found in this table with all other user the integer identifiers. Only collections have path identifiers, and resources are identified by parent collection identifier + resource name.
REG_RESOURCETable containing all resources and collections in the repository. The path identifier recognizes a collection. If the entry is for a collection, the resource name (i.e. REG_NAME) is null, and if it is for a resource inside that collection, it will have a value. A third field REG_VERSION is used to keep track of revisions. For resources, this table will also have a content identifier pointing to the relevant entry on the REG_CONTENT table. The UUID is a unique identifier for a resource/collection.
REG_CONTENTStores content of resources.
REG_RESOURCE_HISTORYThe REG_RESOURCE table only keeps track of the latest version of the resource while older entries are kept in the history table. This table has an additional field to keep track whether a resource was deleted or not.
REG_CONTENT_HISTORYSince we have REG_RESOURCE_HISTORY, we have the equivalent for REG_CONTENT.
REG_SNAPSHOTThis table has an entry per each revision you create for a resource or collection. This is used to correlate between the entry in REG_RESOURCE and the corresponding revisions in REG_RESOURCE_HISTORY.
REG_TAGKeeps track of tags.
REG_RESOURCE_TAGConnects a resource and a tag together. REG_PATH_ID, REG_RESOURCE_NAME and REG_VERSION are used to identify a resource.
REG_PROPERTYKeeps track of properties.
REG_RESOURCE_PROPERTYConnects a resource and a property together. REG_PATH_ID, REG_RESOURCE_NAME and REG_VERSION are used to identify a resource.
REG_RATINGKeeps track of ratings.
REG_RESOURCE_RATINGConnects a resource and a rating together. REG_PATH_ID, REG_RESOURCE_NAME and REG_VERSION are used to identify a resource.
REG_COMMENTKeeps track of comments.
REG_RESOURCE_COMMENTConnects a resource and a comment together. REG_PATH_ID, REG_RESOURCE_NAME and REG_VERSION are used to identify a resource.

Column REG_TENANT_ID is found in each and every table and is used to separate tenants.

User Management Tables

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.