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WSO2 Identity Server Documentation

This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, go to

The WSO2 Identity Server is an enterprise-ready, fully-open source, lean, component-based identity and entitlement management server. It facilitates security and identity management of enterprise web applications, services, and APIs and carries support for OpenID, Information Cards, XACML, and SAML 2.0.

Based on the award-winning WSO2 Carbon platform, the WSO2 Identity Server is lean, lightweight and consists of only the required components for efficient functioning. Since its features are developed as pluggable Carbon components, provisioning the server requires a simple point-and-click installation of required features in the WSO2 feature repository.

About the Documentation

This is the official, released WSO2 Identity Server Documentation, hosted at:

The purpose of this documentation is to provide you with information for setting up, configuring and implementing the WSO2 Identity Server. To find a specific topic in a particular section, click on the topic name in the Table of Contents.

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Getting Started for First-Time Users

The following topics introduce the WSO2 Identity Server: