This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Configuring User Stores

The user kernel of Carbon has the following new features:

  • The concept of single user store. The user store can be either external or internal.
  • Default internal user store is embedded-apacheds LDAP.
  • Ability to operate in read-only mode on your organization's LDAP and Active Directory userstores.
  • Ability to operate in read-write mode on internal and external user stores.
  • Supports any custom realm.
  • Roles can contain users from external user stores.
  • Improved configurability for external user stores.
  • Capability to read/write roles from/to LDAP/Active Directory user stores.
  • Implements management permission of the carbon console.

The user core is driven by the user-mgt.xml file, located here:


See the description of the user-mgt.xml file, its elements, and its properties in the Realm Configuration. You can also learn about the default LDAP User Store configuration here and about the internal JDBC User Store configuration here.

This section also describes: