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Extensible SCIM User Schemas With WSO2 Identity Server

The SCIM (System for Cross-Domain Identity Management) specification defines aĀ fixed set of default attributesĀ for the user object. This set is defined to ensure the interoperability and it can cater to most of the industry's identity management requirements. Given below is a sample user object with the default attributes set.Ā 

However the SCIM specification itself introduces theĀ Enterprise User ExtensionĀ to support extra attributes for the SCIM user object.

However the reality in the industry is that organizations have their own attributes defined for the users. These attributes are already there in their LDAP schemas. Therefore SCIM should be extensible enough to cope with these custom attributes of the users.

WSO2 Identity Server allows users to define their own user schema in a configuration file ([IS-HOME]/repository/conf/scim-schema-extension.config). Then these configured schema are used while creating, validating user objects. With this the users can pass their custom attributes of users over SCIM for Identity Management requirements. The implementation is adhering to theĀ Schema Extension Model. Given below is a sample extended user object with the default schema configuration.

Enable Extension

  1. Locate theĀ provisioning-config.xmlĀ file in the pathĀ [IS-HOME]/repository/conf/provisioning-config.xml.
  2. Open the file and locate the "user-schema-extension-enabled" property and set it to true.
  3. Save the file and restart the server.

Claims Mapping

Log into the Identity Server and do the claim mapping for the following claim URIs (SeeĀ hereĀ for more information on how to do claim mappings).

Now the server is up and running with the new extended user schema. The claim mappings can map the SCIM user attributes to the LDAP user attributes.

Create a new user with the new schema. The following screen depicts the user to be added with theĀ wso2ExtensionĀ attributes.

cURL Commands

The following is the cURL command to add a user:

curl -v -k --user admin:admin --data "{"schemas":[],"userName":"SureshAtt","password":"Wso2@123","wso2Extension":{"employeeNumber":"000111","costCenter":"111111","organization":"WSO2Org","division":"Engineering","department":"Intigration","manager":{"managerId":"111000","displayName":"Prabath"}}}" --header "Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:9443/wso2/scim/Users

The above command provides the following result:


The created SCIM user object can be visualized in the following diagram: