This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Viewing the Status of a XACML Policy

You can view the current status of a XACML policy using the instructions in this topic.

  1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the management console.
  2. Navigate to the Main menu to access the Entitlement menu. Click Policy Administration under PAP.
  3. The policies that you created are listed in the Available Entitlement Policies table. Click View Status to check the current status of the policy you require.
  4. The resulting page lists out the following information.
    • Time Stamp - This is the timestamp of the action performed.
    • Action - The action performed.
    • Performed By - User or tenant that performed the action
    • Target - Where the policy is located.
    • Target Action - The action that is performed to the policy.
    • Status - Indicates whether the action was successful or not.
    • Details - Provides details on certain actions.