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Associating User Accounts

The WSO2 Identity Server enables users to merge multiple accounts and switch between accounts after logging in to a merged account. It also enables you to connect your federated user credentials with your WSO2 Identity Server account. This topic provides instructions on how to achieve this.

Managing user account associations

You can merge multiple user accounts and switch between them by following one of the two approaches listed below.

Using the AdminService

The first approach is to use the AdminService. You can access this admin service using the following URL: 'https://<HOST_NAME>:9443/services/UserAccountAssociationService?wsdl'.

The following actions can be performed using above admin service.

  • Create a new user account association
  • Delete an existing user account association
  • Get all associated user accounts of the logged in user
  • Switch between associated user accounts without re-authenticate with the system

Using the dashboard

The WSO2 Identity Server end user dashboard can be used to associate the accounts. The following steps provide information on how to set this up.

  1. Go to the dashboard URL: https://localhost:9443/dashboard/
  2. Log in using your username and password.
  3. Click the View details button that corresponds to the Associated User Accounts gadget. 
  4. You can see all associated accounts of the user that you logged in as. This table includes user domain, tenant domain and username of all associated user accounts of the user.
  5. You can initiate a new user account association by clicking the Add Association button under Associated User Accounts
  6. In the Associate User Account dialog-box, enter the username and password of the user account that you want to connect to. Click Associate to associate this user account and the Identity Server authenticates the user account. If it is authentic, the Identity Server saves that user account as an association to the user account of the logged in user.
  7. You can delete this user account association by clicking Remove in the Associated User Accounts list.
  8. You can also switch between associated user accounts without having to re-authenticate the user account with the Identity Server. In the user dashboard UI, the associated user accounts appear under the dropdown list at the top right corner of your screen. You can switch between accounts by selecting the required user account from the dropdown. Note that the session key does not change during this operation.

Managing federated user IDs

You can connect your federated user IDs with your WSO2 Identity Server account from the end user dashboard. To set this up, do the following.


You need to setup an Identity Provider before continuing this process. For more information on how to do this, see Configuring an Identity Provider.

  1. Go to the dashboard URL: https://localhost:9443/dashboard/
  2. Log in using your username and password.
  3. Click the View details button that corresponds to the Associated User Accounts gadget. 
  4. You can see all associated accounts of the user that you logged in as. This table includes user domain, tenant domain and username of all associated user accounts of the user.
  5. You can initiate a new user account association by clicking the Add Association button under Federated User IDs
  6. You must select the identity provider from the dropdown provided and enter the federated user ID. Click Associate to connect this federated ID to the Identity Server account of the logged in user.
  7. You can delete this user account association by clicking Remove in the Federated User IDs list.