This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit

Installation Prerequisites

Prior to installing any WSO2 Carbon based product, it is necessary to have the appropriate prerequisite software installed on your system. Verify that the computer has the supported operating system and development platforms before starting the installation.

System requirements


  • ~ 2 GB minimum
  • ~ 512 MB heap size. This is generally sufficient on DEV/QA with a low number of users. 
  • ~ 1 GB heap size for PROD environment, supporting the most common use cases (OAuth/SAML, Federation, etc.) with moderate traffic.


  • ~ 1 GB, excluding space allocated for log files and databases.

Environment compatibility

Operating Systems/Databases/User Stores

  • WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.0 requires Oracle JDK 8 or OpenJDK 8 compliant JDK. This will run on most common platforms supporting Java 8. Any JDK except JDK 8 is not supported.
  • All WSO2 Carbon-based products are generally compatible with most common DBMSs. The embedded H2 database is suitable for development and testing. For enterprise production environments we recommend an industry-standard RDBMS such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, etc. For more information, see Working with Databases.
  • WSO2 Identity Server supports using any of the following as a user store:


  • WSO2 Identity Server is shipped with a default embedded Apache DS that is suitable for development purposes. WSO2 does not recommend using Apache DS in a production environment due to scalability issues that exist with Apache DS.
  • WSO2 does not recommend using the H2 database as a user store in production environments. However, you can use the H2 database for development purposes if necessary.

Required applications

The following applications are required for running the product and its samples or for building from the source code. 

The applications marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Running the product

These applications are mandatory and are required to run the binary distribution of the WSO2 product. The binary distribution contains the binary files for both MS Windows, and Linux-based operating systems. It is recommended for most users.




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Java SE Development Kit (JDK)*

  • Oracle JDK 8
  • OpenJDK 8

    Do not use JDK1.8.0_151  due to a known issue . This issue is fixed in JDK 1.8.0_162-ea. However,  use JDK 1.8.0_144  until the latter mentioned version is released.


    If you are using an Oracle JDK version lower than 8u161, you need to download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files from here and add the files to the security directory of your Java installation to avoid illegal key size errors when you try to invoke a secured Web service.

  • Oracle is supported when running (not building) WSO2 products.

    IBM JRE 1.7 is not supported from 5.4.0 onwards for running WSO2 products.

Web Browser*

  • To access the product's Management Console.The Web Browser must be JavaScript enabled to take full advantage of the Management console.

On Windows Server 2003, you must not go below the medium security level in Internet Explorer 6.x.

Running samples and building from source

These applications are required for building the product from the source distribution, and compiling and running product samples. 


PurposeVersionDownload Links

Apache Maven

  • To build the product from the source distribution (both JDK and Apache Maven are required).

    If you are installing by downloading and extracting the binary distribution (as recommended for most users) instead of building from the source code, you do not need to install Maven.