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Configuring Outbound Provisioning Connectors for an Identity Provider

You can configure the WSO2 Identity Server to provision users to external applications. See the Identity Server Architecture for more information on how this process fits into the overall picture

You can configure outbound provisioning connectors by expanding the relevant section.

In addition to this, you can also create custom connectors that are added to the list of outbound provisioning connectors once created.

Configuring Google provisioning

This configuration involves setting up the Identity Server to send provisioning requests to Google applications.

Expand the Google Provisioning Configuration form and fill in the following fields where relevant. 

FieldDescriptionSample value
Enable ConnectorSelecting this enables identity provisioning through the Google domain.Selected
Google DomainThe name of the Google domain used to provision
Primary EmailClaim URI which will be used to retrieve primary email address for the account to be created. This must be a claim that is available and local in the Identity Server.
Given NameClaim URI which will be used to retrieve given name attribute for the user. This must be a claim that is available and local in the Identity Server.
Family NameClaim URI which will be used to retrieve family name attribute for the user. This must be a claim that is available and local in the Identity Server.
Service Account EmailThis email is used for authentication
Private KeyBrowse and attach the private key from your local machine. This is the PKCS12 private key generated at the service account creation<uploaded_file>
Administrator's EmailThis is the email of the administrator who owns the service account in the Google Domain specified. Provisioning takes place using this email, so specifying this here serves as a means for
Application NameThis is the name of the application which is used to represent the Google connector.Domain
Google Outbound Provisioning pattern

This pattern is used to build the user id of Google domain. Combination of attributes UD (User Domain), UN (Username), TD (Tenant Domain) and IDP (Identity Provider) can be used to construct a valid pattern.

This is a way to differentiate following scenarios:
If there are several tenants and you must configure Google outbound provisioning for same Google domain in those tenants.
If there are several user stores and you must configure the specific user store that needs to be provisioned.
If there are multiple identity providers configured for same Google domain.

Google Provisioning SeparatorThis is used to separate the values that you configure in the Google Outbound Provisioning pattern.For this, it is better to use a character that is not normally used in the user domain/username/tenant domain/idp name. For example: "_"

Configuring Salesforce provisioning

This configuration involves setting up the Identity Server to send provisioning requests to Salesforce. See Outbound Provisioning with Salesforce for more information on how this is configured from end to end.

  1. Expand the Salesforce Provisioning Configuration form.
  2. Fill in the following fields where relevant.

    FieldDescriptionSample value
    Enable ConnectorSelecting this enables identity provisioning through Salesforce.Selected
    API versionThis is the version of the Salesforce API that is used for provisioning. To obtain this, log into and clickSetup. On the left navigation pane, click API under Develop. Generate one of those APIs to check the version.v32.0
    Domain NameThis is the name of the Salesforce domain used to provision users.  If you do not have a Salesforce domain, you can create a domain by logging into and clicking Setup. On the left navigation pane, click My Domain under Domain Management. Make sure you enter the domain with an HTTPS prefix so that it resembles a URL.
    Client IDThis is the username of the client you are using to access Salesforce. This Consumer Key value is obtained when configuring Salesforce. See Outbound Provisioning with Salesforce for more information.3MVG8123wefw763na2452683KJNsvrgKBwe4gyksKJ22f3g45
    Client SecretThis is the password of the client you are using to access Salesforce. This Consumer Secret value is obtained when configuring Salesforce. See Outbound Provisioning with Salesforce   for more information.<password>
    UsernameThis is the Salesforce
    PasswordThis is the Salesforce password and must be entered along with the security token. So you would enter this in the following format: <password><security_token><password><security_token>
    OAuth2 Token Endpoint

    OAuth token endpoint URL of Salesforce.
    Provisioning Pattern

    This pattern is used to build the user id of Salesforce domain. Combination of attributes UD (User Domain), UN (Username), TD (Tenant Domain) and IDP (Identity Provider) can be used to construct a valid pattern.

    This is a way to differentiate following scenarios:
    If there are several tenants and you must configure Salesforce outbound provisioning for same Salesforce domain in those tenants.
    If there are several user stores and you must configure the specific user store that needs to be provisioned.
    If there are multiple identity providers configured for same Salesforce domain.

    {UD, UN, TD, IDP}
    Provisioning SeparatorThis is used to separate the values that you configure in the Salesforce Outbound Provisioning pattern.For this, it is better to use a character that is not normally used in the user domain/username/tenant domain/idp name. For example: "_"
    Provisioning DomainThe user name of Salesforce is an email address. Here you can configure a specific domain name the username should

    About claim configuration for Salesforce

    The following claims must be configured when configuring Salesforce for outbound provisioning. See Outbound Provisioning with Salesforce for more information on how to do this.

    • Email
    • EmailEncodingKey
    • LanguageLocaleKey
    • LastName
    • LocaleSidKey
    • ProfileId
    • TimeZoneSidKey
    • Username
    • UserPermissionsCallCenterAutoLogin
    • UserPermissionsMarketingUser
    • UserPermissionsOfflineUser

Configuring SCIM provisioning

The System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) specification is designed to make managing user identities in the WSO2 Identity Server easier. Identity provisioning is a key aspect of any identity management solution and, as such, is very relevant to SCIM. In simple terms, it is to create, maintain and delete user accounts and related identities in one or more systems or applications in response to business processes that are initiated either by humans directly or by automated tasks.

This configuration involves setting up the Identity Server to send provisioning requests to an external application that supports SCIM. See Outbound Provisioning with SCIM for more information on how this works in a typical scenario.

  1. Expand the SCIM Provisioning Configuration form.

    Fill in the following fields where relevant.

    FieldDescriptionSample value
    Enable ConnectorSelecting this enables identity provisioning through SCIM.Selected
    UsernameThis is the username of the SCIM application.Admin
    PasswordThis is the password of the SCIM application.<password>
    User EndpointThis is the SCIM endpoint of the users.https://localhost:9443/wso2/scim/Users
    Group EndpointThis is the SCIM endpoint of the groups.https://localhost:9443/wso2/scim/Groups
    User Store DomainThis is the user store that users are created. You can specify any user store connected to your identity provider.Domain
    Enable Password ProvisioningThis is to specify whether to send a default password, or the password sent in the SCIM request, to the server where it gets provisioned. In a scenario where the Identity Server is used as a proxy, and sending the password to some other server is not appropriate, the default password can be sent.Selected
    Default PasswordThe default password that must be sent.<password>

Configuring SPML provisioning

The Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) is the open standard for the integration and interoperation of service provisioning requests. The goal of SPML is to allow organizations to securely and quickly set up user interfaces for Web services and applications, by letting enterprise platforms such as Web portals, application servers, and service centers generate provisioning requests within and across organizations

This configuration involves setting up the Identity Server to send provisioning requests to an external application that supports SPML. See Outbound Provisioning with SPML for more information on how this works in a typical scenario.

  1. Expand the SPML Provisioning Configuration form.
  2. Fill in the following fields where relevant.

    FieldDescriptionSample value
    Enable ConnectorSelecting this enables identity provisioning through SPML.Selected
    UsernameThis is the username of the SPML application.Configadmin
    PasswordThis is the password of the SPML application.<password>
    SPML EndpointThis is the SPML endpoint URL.http://localhost:9847/servelet/spml
    SPML ObjectClassThe ObjectClass for SPML. This value is required as it links with the ObjectClass in SPML that is used to provide data from the user store.spml2person
Related Topics
  • See Outbound Provisioning for more information on configuring user stores and service providers for outbound provisioning.