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Configuring Claim Dialects

A set of claims are identified as a dialect. Different dialects represent the same piece of information with different claim URIs. The following dialects are defined by default with the WSO2 Claim Management Feature.

  • - Default dialect for STS
  • - Default dialect for WSO2 Carbon
  • - Default dialect for OpenID Attribute Exchange
  • - Default dialect for OpenID Simple Registration
  • - Default dialect for OpenID Connect

  • urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0 - Default dialect for SCIM

See the following topics for more information on configuring claim dialects. 

Adding Claim Dialects

You can define a new claim dialect by clicking on the "Add New Claim Dialect" link. Follow the instructions below to add a new claim dialect.

  1. Sign in. Enter your username and password to log on to the Management Console.
  2. From the Main menu, click Add under Claims.
  3. Click Add Claim DialectEnter the Dialect URI.

    The Dialect URI is a unique URI identifying the dialect (for example,

  4. Click on the Add button. The claim dialect you added will appear on the list as follows.

Editing Claim Dialects

You can edit existing claim dialects by clicking on any available dialect link. Follow the instructions below to edit a claim dialect.

  1. Sign in. Enter your username and password to log on to the Management Console.
  2. Click Main to access the Main menu and click List under Claims.
  3. Click on any available dialect links.
  4. From the Claim Dialect view, you can view the claims defined for that particular dialect. If you need to edit a claim, click on the appropriate Edit link.
  5. Enter the new claim information in the required fields and click on the Update button.

    1. If you are editing a local claim, you will see the following screen.

    2. If you are editing an external claim, you will see the following screen. 


      When you are using more than one user store, you must map the attributes correctly using claim management. Under “Mapped Attribute(s)” you need to follow the pattern.

      {domain_name/attribute_Name};{domain_name/attribute_Name}; {domain_name/attribute_Name};

      However, for the default user store, you do not need to provide the domain name. As an example, if you have two user stores, one is default and other one with domain “LDAP” then the pattern would be as follows for “".


Deleting Claim Dialects

You can remove the claim dialects using admin console as follows.

  1. Sign in. Enter your username and password to log on to the Management Console.
  2. In Main tab click List under Claims menu.
  3. Locate the claim dialect you want to delete and click on the Delete link next to the dialect.
  4. Confirm your request in the dialog window by clicking Yes.