com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Service Provider Related Tables

This section lists out all the service provider related tables and their attributes in the WSO2 Identity Server database. 


When a Service Provider is added, the details are stored in this table. The APP_NAME column represents the Service Provider name. Following are the columns of the table.
  • ID                         
  • TENANT_ID                 
  • APP_NAME                    
  • USER_STORE                  
  • USERNAME                    
  • DESCRIPTION                
  • ROLE_CLAIM                 
  • AUTH_TYPE                  
  • SUBJECT_CLAIM_URI           


Inbound authentication configuration details of a Service Provider are stored in this table. For each type of associated inbound authentication configuration for a Service Provider, there will be a separate record (i.e. OpenID, PassiveSTS, SAMLSSO). If the inbound authentication configuration is SAMLSSO (value in INBOUND_AUTH_TYPE is ‘samlsso’), it will have a property named “Attribute Consuming Service Index” in the column PROP_NAME and the value is a random integer stored in PROP_VALUE column. Following are the columns of the table.
  • ID              
  • TENANT_ID        
  • PROP_NAME        
  • PROP_VALUE     
  • APP_ID


The Service Providers can define how to authenticate users at the Identity Server, for authentication requests initiated by it. While doing that, each Service Provider can define multiple steps and for each step it can pick more than one authenticator. This is called as Multi-level (multi-factor) Authentication. This table stores each authentication step added to the Service Provider. Service Provider is represented by the APP_ID. If multiple authentication steps are added for one Service Provider, the order is maintained in the STEP_ORDER column. Following are the columns of the table.
  • ID              
  • TENANT_ID       
  • STEP_ORDER      
  • APP_ID         


For a Service Provider, Federated Identity Providers can be added for authentication. The Federated Identity Providers for a Service Provider are stored in this table. Here the ID column points to the ID column of the SP_AUTH_STEP table. Following are the columns of the table.
  • ID             
  • TENANT_ID     


When the claims of the Identity Provider are different from the Service Provider, corresponding claims can be mapped from this table for each Service Provider. The Service Provider ID is given in APP_ID and the IDP_CLAIM and SP_CLAIM are the Identity Provider and Service Provider claims respectively. Following are the columns of the table.
  • ID         
  • TENANT_ID    
  • SP_CLAIM    
  • APP_ID     


When there are user roles defined in the Identity Provider side (here WSO2 Identity Server) and also in the client application side, the roles in both sides can be mapped together accordingly through the Service Provider. The Service Provider ID is given in APP_ID and the client application side role is given in SP_ROLE where the Identity Provider’s side role is given in IDP_ROLE. This way, the client application developers do not need to know the available roles in the Identity Provider as the roles can be mapped and linked together. Following are the columns of the table.
  • ID      
  • APP_ID


If a RequestPathAuthenticator is added to a Service Provider, that is recorded in this table. Service Provider ID is given in APP_ID. AUTHENTICATOR_NAME column will contain the name of the request path authenticator.  Following are the columns of the table.
  • ID             
  • TENANT_ID        
  • APP_ID


Outbound Provisioning Connectors can be added to the Identity Providers for user provisioning. Those Provisioning Connectors can be linked to a Service Provider. For a Service Provider, the associated Provisioning Connectors are stored in this table. IDP_NAME column has the Identity Provider name and the CONNECTOR_NAME column has the name of the provisioning connector. APP_ID column has the ID of the Service Provider. Following are the columns of the table.  
  • ID         
  • TENANT_ID    
  • IDP_NAME     
  • APP_ID     

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.