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Customizing Automated Emails

The WSO2 Identity Server (WSO2 IS) provides the means of customizing automated emails sent to the user. This is particularly useful in the case of tenant users as they can customize their emails specifically for users configured under the tenant. Furthermore, tenants do not have access to underlying configuration files, therefore, this customization is now possible directly through the management console.

Adding an email template type

  1. Log in to the WSO2 Identity Server management console.
  2. Navigate to the Main tab and click Add under Email Templates, which is available under the Manage section.
  3. Click Add Email Template Type.
  4. Enter the name that you want to be displayed for the new email template type in the Template Type Display Name.
  5. Click Add.

Adding an email template

This allows you to add a new email template for a specific email template type and language. As a result, there may be multiple email for a specific email template type based on the language of the email template.

  1. Log in to the WSO2 Identity Server management console.
  2. Navigate to the Main tab and click Add under Email Templates, which is available under the Manage section.
  3. Click Add Email Template.
  4. Select/enter the email template details.

    • Select Email Template Type: You can select the type of email template you wish to customize using this dropdown.
    • Subject: This is the subject of the email that is sent to the user.
    • Email Body: This is the body of the email that is sent to the user. Custom information like {first-name} and {user-id} are populated from the user store configured for this tenant.
    • Email Footer: This is the footer of the email.

      Note: Ensure that you do not use the "|" character in your Subject, Email Body or Email Footer as this is not supported.

    Placeholders and Custom Claim Dialects

    Tip: You can set different placeholders in order to populate custom information such as {first-name} and {user-id} in the subject, body and footer of the email template.

    You can also specify any custom claim URI created in the WSO2 claim dialect:

    Before sending the email, the WSO2 IS will retrieve the user details from the user store configured for this tenant and replace the placeholders with the corresponding values of the user.

  5. Click Add to add a new email template.

Deleting an email template type

This deletes all the email templates that correspond to the selected email template type together with the email template type.

  1. Log in to the WSO2 Identity Server management console.
  2. Navigate to the Main tab and click List under Email Templates, which is available under the Manage section.
  3. Select the email template type.
  4. Click Delete Template Type and click ok.

Editing an email template

  1. Log in to the WSO2 Identity Server management console.
  2. Navigate to the Main tab and click List under Email Templates, which is available under the Manage section.
  3. Select/enter the email template details based on the fields that you want to update in the email template.

    • Select Email Template Type: You can select the type of email template you wish to customize using this dropdown.
    • Subject: This is the subject of the email that is sent to the user.
    • Email Body: This is the body of the email that is sent to the user. Custom information like {first-name} and {user-id} are populated from the user store configured for this tenant.
    • Email Footer: This is the footer of the email.

      Note: Ensure that you do not use the "|" character in your Subject, Email Body or Email Footer as this is not supported.

    Placeholders and Custom Claim Dialects

    Tip: You can set different placeholders in order to populate custom information such as {first-name} and {user-id} in the subject, body and footer of the email template.

    You can also specify any custom claim URI created in the WSO2 claim dialect:

    Before sending the email, the WSO2 IS will retrieve the user details from the user store configured for this tenant and replace the placeholders with the corresponding values of the user.

  4. Click Save to update.

Deleting an email template

Using the following steps you can delete a specific email template that corresponds to an email template type.

  1. Log in to the WSO2 Identity Server management console.
  2. Navigate to the Main tab and click List under Email Templates, which is available under the Manage section.
  3. Select the email template type and the respective email template.
  4. Click Delete Template and click ok.

Updating the locale of a user

Once you have set the template language for the user, it is also necessary to specify the locale for the user. Do the following steps to configure this.

  1. Click on List under Claims and select
  2. Select the Locality claim and click Edit. Select the Supported by Default checkbox and click Update
  3. Logout as admin and login as a user with user profile management permissions. 
  4. Click on List under Users and Roles and then select Users
  5. Click on the User Profile button corresponding to the logged in user. 
  6. Enter the locale code for the Locality field and click Update

    Tip: For example, use fr_fr for the French locale, pt_br for Brazil locale and it_it for the Italian locale. This is the format used for country locales in the Identity Server. For more information on country locales, see here.

Now that this is done, any email notifications you receive will be in the language you specified.