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Using the Configuration Management REST APIs

The configuration management APIs in WSO2 Identity Server manages configurations that are required to be stored as tenant-wise key-pair values. These stored configuration values are not changed frequently and are consumed at runtime. 

Some examples of such values are:

  • SMTP configurations of an email server

  • A server configuration where analytics data is published

Configurations for the above scenarios can be stored using the configuration management APIs. A detailed example is included in the try-it-out section below.
The following sections guide you through the configuration management concepts and the APIs you can use.


Prior to using this REST API, ensure that the following requirements are met. 

  1. Execute the following DB scripts on the data source that is defined in the identity.xml file found in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity folder.
    For more information about data sources, see Setting Up Separate Databases for Clustering

    Note that this REST API has been tested only with H2 and MySQL5.7 databases.

  2. The configuration management API sometimes uses dynamic query build for its database CRUD operations; especially in the /search endpoint (for more information, see Configuration Management REST APIs). However, a query that is too long can lead to errors. To prevent this, an upper limit to the dynamic query size is applied by default (the default value is the maximum packet size for MySQL 5.7 in bytes). To configure this upper limit value, do the following:

    1. Open the identity.xml file found in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity folder.

    2.  Add the following configuration block as a new line to the end of the file.

      <!--Configuration Store properties-->
          <!--Set an upper limit to the database call queries. Configuration store uses dynamic query generation,
           especially for searching resources. This property will prevent any unwanted errors due to too large queries.
           Default value is the maximum packet size for MySQL 5.7 in bytes.-->
  3. Secure the configuration management REST API before using it. To do this:
    1. Open the  identity.xml  file found in the  <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity  folder.
    2. Add the following configuration block under the <Server> <ResourceAccessControl> tag. 

      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/search(.*)" secured="true" http-method="GET"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource-type" secured="true" http-method="POST"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource-type" secured="true" http-method="PUT"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource-type/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="GET"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource-type/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="DELETE"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="POST"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="PUT"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/(.*)/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="GET"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/(.*)/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="DELETE"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/(.*)/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="POST"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/(.*)/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="PUT"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="GET"/>
      <Resource context="(.*)/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)" secured="true" http-method="DELETE"/>

Configuration management architecture 

The configuration manager exposed with the configuration management REST APIs manages configurations as Resources.

What is a resource?

  • A Resource belongs to a Resource Type and a tenant domain.
  • Each Resource has a set of Attributes.
  • Each Attribute has a key and a respective value.

The section below describes each concept in more detail.

Configuration management concepts

  • Resource - 
    A resource contains one or more attributes which will be used to store resource data. A resource is created in the tenant domain and it belongs to the authenticated user who creates the resource. When creating the resource, it is mandatory to assign a resource type.

  • Resource Type - 
    A resource type is shared among the tenants. Each resource created in a tenant domain, belongs to an already created resource type. Deleting a resource type will also delete its resources.

    Note: Since the resource type is shared among tenants, deleting a resource type can affect resources in different tenant domains.

  • Attribute - 
    An attribute is the element that stores the data for its resource.  An attribute is created for an already existing resource. It contains a key and a value.

APIs and supported operations

For information on the REST APIs, supported operations and sample requests/responses, see Configuration Management APIs Documentation.

For information on how to use the /search endpoint of the Configuration Management APIs, see Retrieving Tenant Resources Based on Search Parameters.

Try it out

This section guides you through a sample scenario using the WSO2 IS configuration manager. 

Sample scenario - Consider a scenario where you need to store the SMTP email configurations. Assume that the simple SMTP configuration has only one property. 



This email address is used by the WSO2 IS instance to send an email. 

To store the SMTP email configuration, follow the steps given below:

  1. Start WSO2 Identity Server and access the management console. You can sign in using admin as the username and password. 
  2. Open a terminal window and run the following commands.

    1. Create a resource type named "email" using the Create resource type API. 

      Sample Request
      curl -k -X POST https://localhost:9443/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource-type -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' -d '{"name": "e-mail", "description": "This is the resource type for email resources."}'
      Sample Response
      {"name":"e-mail","id":"0adbdfad-5f4f-4c11-af75-9ed3e93647b9","description":"This is the resource type for email resources."}
    2. Create a resource named "smtp" in the super tenant domain under the "email" resource type using the Create resource API.  Note that the "from" attribute is defined within this sample request therefore, when the new resource is created a new attribute named "from" will be created under the "smtp" resource as well. 

      Sample Request
      curl -k -X POST https://localhost:9443/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/e-mail -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' -d '{"name": "smtp","attributes": [{"key": "from","value": ""}]}'
      Sample Response
  3. Next, assume that you now need to add an additional attribute named "to" to the "smtp" email configuration. To do this, create a new attribute named "to" using the Create attribute API by running the following command on the terminal. 

    Sample Request
    curl -k -X POST https://localhost:9443/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/e-mail/smtp -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' -d '{"key": "to", "value": ""}'
    Sample Response
  4. Once these steps are completed, the WSO2 IS instance calls the configuration manager to retrieve the SMTP email address using the following path:

    (Resource Type = ‘e-mail’) -> (Resource = ‘smtp’) ->  (Attribute key = ‘from’)

    Run the following curl command to retrieve the 'smtp' resource that you created above. 

    Sample Request
    curl -k -X GET https://localhost:9443/api/identity/config-mgt/v1.0/resource/e-mail/smtp -H "accept: application/json" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='
    Sample Response