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Extending SCIM 2.0 User Schemas
The SCIM 2.0 (System for Cross-Domain Identity Management) specification defines a fixed set of default attributes for the user object. This set is defined to ensure the interoperability and it can cater to most of the industry's identity management requirements. However, in reality, organizations have their own attributes defined for their users which have already been used in their LDAP schemas. Therefore, SCIM is extensible enough to cope with custom attributes and uses the Enterprise User Extension to support extra attributes for the SCIM user object.
WSO2 Identity Server allows users to define their own user schema. These configured schema are then used while creating or validating user objects. This means that custom user attributes can be passed using SCIM for identity management requirements. Follow the steps given below to add a custom attribute.
Enable the extension
- Open the
file located in the<IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity/
folder. - Open the file and locate the
property and set it to true. - Save the file.
Configure the custom claim
- Open the
file located in the<IS_HOME>/repository/conf/
folder. Add the following code block to the file before the last element of the JSON array.
{ "attributeURI":"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:customClaim", "attributeName":"customClaim", "dataType":"string", "multiValued":"false", "description":"Custom claim", "required":"false", "caseExact":"false", "mutability":"readwrite", "returned":"default", "uniqueness":"none", "subAttributes":"null", "canonicalValues":[], "referenceTypes":[] },
to thesubAttributes
element on the last element of the JSON array as shown below.{ "attributeURI":"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:customClaim", "attributeName":"customClaim", "dataType":"string", "multiValued":"false", "description":"Custom claim", "required":"false", "caseExact":"false", "mutability":"readwrite", "returned":"default", "uniqueness":"none", "subAttributes":"null", "canonicalValues":[], "referenceTypes":[] },
- Save the file and restart WSO2 Identity Server.
Add the custom claim
- Log in to the management console using admin/admin credentials.
- Click Add under Claims.
- Click Add Local Claim and enter the following values.
- Claim URI:
- Display Name: Custom Claim
- Description: Custom Claim
- Mapped Attribute(s):
- User Store Domain Name: PRIMARY
- Mapped Attribute: customClaim
- Supported By Default: True'
- Click Add.
Note the following:
- You can use the word "customClaim" (or any other prefferred word) as the Mapped Attribute only when using a JDBC user store because JDBC user stores will automatically create a new attribute if it does not already exist in the user store. However, If you are using LDAP or Active Directory, you will have to use an attribute that exists in the user store already.
- The configuration above is valid when using the PRIMARY user store. If you have a secondary user store configured, make sure to add another attribute mapping by clicking Add Attribute Mapping and selecting the secondary user store as well.
Map the custom claim
- Click Add under Claims.
- Click Add External Claim and enter the following values.
- Dialect URI: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User
- External Claim URI: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:customClaim
- Mapped Local Claim:
- Click Add.
Try it out
- Click Add under Users and Roles.
- Click Add New User and give the user a username and password.
- Click List under Users and then go to the User Profile of the user you just created.
- Add a value for the Custom Claim field and click Save.
Retrieve the user using SCIM and ensure that the custom claim value is present.
SCIM Requestcurl -v -k --user admin:admin https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users
SCIM Response{"totalResults":2,"startIndex":1,"itemsPerPage":2,"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse"],"Resources":[{"emails":[""],"meta":{"created":"2020-01-21T16:52:11Z","lastModified":"2020-01-21T16:52:11Z"},"roles":[{"type":"default","value":"Internal/everyone,admin"}],"name":{"givenName":"admin","familyName":"admin"},"id":"54779523-8677-48bc-bce6-1764b7439f64","userName":"admin"},{"emails":[{"type":"home","value":"testvalue"},""],"meta":{"created":"2020-01-21T16:56:56Z","lastModified":"2020-01-21T17:02:43Z","resourceType":"User"},"EnterpriseUser":{"customClaim":"testvalue"},"roles":[{"type":"default","value":"Internal/everyone"}],"name":{"givenName":"Alex","familyName":"alex"},"id":"c91b5f1c-08c7-44d3-89c4-34ea9440dea5","userName":"alex"}]}
You can also try out updating the Custom Claim value using the following SCIM command and checking if the value is updated by accessing the user profile on the management console.
curl -k -X PATCH \ https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users/be8f8562-7661-44a9-b6f4-d6d94dac914f \ -H 'Authorization: Basic dmloYW5nYTphZG1pbg==' \ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Postman-Token: 3cbbfd68-7f1f-4ce4-8b5e-ffb4b88c4171' \ -d '{ "schemas":[ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp" ], "Operations":[ { "op":"replace", "value":{ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": { "customClaim": "new value" } } } ] }'