Android Sense
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Android Sense

Connect an Android device to WSO2 IoT Server and monitor the sensor data. The following subsections explain how you can work with the Android sense device type:

Enroll Android Sense

  1. Sign in to the Device Management console.

     Click here for more information.
    Follow the instructions below to sign into the IoTS device management console:
    1. Start the server.

    2. Access the device management console.

      • For access via HTTP: 

        For example: http://localhost:9763/devicemgt/
      • For access via secured HTTP: 
        For example: https://localhost:9443/devicemgt/ 
    3. Enter the username and password, and sign in.

      The system administrator will be able to log in using admin for both the username and password. However, other users will have to first register with IoTS before being able to log into the IoTS device management console. For more information on creating a new account, see Registering with IoTS.

    4. Click LOGIN. The respective device management console will change, based on the permissions assigned to the user.
      For example, the device management console for an administrator is as follows:

  2. Click Enroll New Device.
  3. Click Android Sense to enroll a device of the type Android Sense.
  4. Enroll the device.
    1. Click Enroll Device.
    2. Scan the QR code or click DOWNLOAD NOW to download the Android sense agent onto your Android device.

      You need to make sure that your Android device and the IoTS server is on the same network, else you will not be able to download the Android sense agent.

      If you chose to scan the QR code, you will be directed to a web page. When this page appears, the web browser will typically display an "insecure connection" message, which requires your confirmation before you can continue.

       Click here for more information.

      The WSO2 IoTS consoles are based on the HTTPS protocol, which is a combination of HTTP and SSL protocols. This protocol is generally used to encrypt the traffic from the client to server for security reasons. The certificate it works with is used for encryption only, and does not prove the server identity, so when you try to access these consoles, a warning of untrusted connection is usually displayed. To continue working with this certificate, some steps should be taken to "accept" the certificate before access to the site is permitted. If you are using the Mozilla Firefox browser, this usually occurs only on the first access to the server, after which the certificate is stored in the browser database and marked as trusted. However, with other browsers, the insecure connection warning might be displayed every time you access the server.

      This scenario is suitable for testing purposes, or for running the program on the company's internal networks. If you want to make these consoles available to external users, your organization should obtain a certificate signed by a well-known certificate authority, which verifies that the server actually has the name it is accessed by and that this server belongs to the given organization.

  5. Open the downloaded file, and tap INSTALL.
  6. Tap OPEN, once the WSO2-SenseAgent is installed.
  7. Enter your details and tap REGISTER DEVICE.
    • Username: Provide a preferred username
    • Password: Provide a preferred password
    • Server URL: Provide the server URL in the https://<IOTS_HOST>:<IOTS_HTTPS_PORT> format.
  8. Try out the Android Sense application.

    • If you want to add more sensors, tap add sensor, select the sensors you wish to add, and tap OK.

      For more information on configuring the accelerometer to work with Android Sense, see Configuring the Rapid Accelerometer of the Android Sense.

    • If you want to push the data to the WSO2 IoT Server so you can view the data in real time or check out the historical data, tap push data to device.

Try it out

Once you start the Android sense you can try out the following actions:

View device details

Navigate to the Device Details page to view the device details, carry out operations and monitor real-time data.

Monitor real-time data

Monitor real-time data via the Device Details page by clicking on View Device Analytics.

What's next

Follow the options given below to see what you can do next:

  • Try out building the Android Sense source. For more information, see Building the Android Sense Agent.

  • Navigate to the Device Management page to view all the created devices.

     Click here for more information on navigating to the Device Management page.
    1. Sign in to the Device Management console.
    2. Click the menu icon.
    3. Click Device Management.
  • Select a device from your device dashboard and check the available operations and monitor real-time data.


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com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.