White Labeling the WSO2 iOS Agent
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

White Labeling the WSO2 iOS Agent

This section will guide you on how to white label the iOS agent.

Before you begin:

Changing iOS Agent related logos and icons

Follow the steps given below to change the logos and icons:

  1. Open the iOS Agent source code by importing it to Xcode.

  2. Click Supporting Files > Images.xcassets.

  3. Change the icons that are in AppIcon.

  4. Build and export the project as an iOS application. This will generate an ipa file. Rename this file as ios-agent.ipa and move it to the <IOTS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/ios-web-agent/app/pages/mdm.page.enrollments.ios.download-agent/public/asset directory.

Changing WSO2 related text

Follow the steps given below to change the text:

  1. Open the Agent source code by importing it to Xcode.

  2. Click Supporting Files > Images.xcassets.

  3. Change the text of the images that are in the Launchimage.

  4. Click on the image you want to edit and edit the text by clicking on the respective text area.

  5. Build and export the project as an iOS application. This will generate a .ipa file. Rename this file as ios-agent.ipa and move it to the <IOTS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/ios-web-agent/app/pages/mdm.page.enrollments.ios.download-agent/public/asset directory.

    The ios-web-agent directory is there only if you configured WSO2 IoT Server for iOS.

Changing the header of the WSO2 iOS Agent

Follow the steps given below to change the header of the WSO2 iOS agent:

  1. Open the Agent source code by importing it to Xcode.
  2. Click Supporting Files.
  3. Remove the current header.png file and add your new header image. 

    • Make sure to name your new header image as header.png.
    • The size needs to be 759 x 370 pixels.


  4. Build and export the project as an iOS application. This will generate a .ipa file. Rename this file as ios-agent.ipa and move it to the <IOTS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/ios-web-agent/app/pages/mdm.page.enrollments.ios.download-agent/public/asset directory.

    The ios-web-agent directory is there only if you configured WSO2 IoT Server for iOS.

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com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.