This documentation is for WSO2 Message Broker version 2.0.1. View documentation for the latest release.

Message Broker Features

WSO2 Message Broker brings messaging and eventing capabilities to your SOA framework. The latest version of this product possesses following key features, which can be used as standalone message broker or as a distributed message brokering system.

For the relevant versions of the applications used as features, see Compatibility of WSO2 Products.



JMS Message Queuing

Publish and receive messages with

    • FIFO order
    • Message durability
    • Ability to handle large messages
    • Fail-over support with clustered setup
JMS Message Pub/Sub

Use topics to subscribe for messages. WSO2 MB 2.0.0 has been improved in many ways to publish and receive messages fast.


WSO2 Message Broker 2.0.0 is compliant with the latest WS-Eventing specification.The underlying JMS engine handles WS-Eventing/JMS synchronization that enables exposing and consuming your events using two different standard API's.

Featured Graphical Console

WSO2 MB 2.0.0 comes with a set of management services and a graphical user interface to configure/manage/monitor the running Message Broker.

    • Creating / deleting Message Queues 
    • Creating / deleting Message Topics and making subscriptions
    • Registering WS subscriptions using event sink URLs.
    • View message statistics
    • Built-in registry browser
    • View nodes joined the message broker cluster
Server Management via JMXManage Queues/Topics and other server objects via JMX.