com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.


See the client side tuning parameters for more system properties.

You use the following file to configure WSO2 Message Broker: <MB_HOME>/repository/conf/advanced/andes-config.xml. Following is a tree of the XML elements in the file:  


Click an element below for more information:


This is the top level element of the andes-config.xml file. It contains all the other elements needed to configure WSO2 MB. The setting of the prefixes for ANDES_HOME and QPID_WORK allows environment variables to be used throughout the config.xml file and removes the need for hard coding of paths in this file.

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<prefix> String${ANDES_HOME} Mandatory 
<work> String${QPID_WORK} Mandatory 
<conf> String${prefix} Mandatory 
<plugin-directory> String${ANDES_HOME}/lib/plugins Mandatory 
<cache-directory> String${QPID_WORK}/cache Mandatory 


Defines connection parameters.

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<qpidnio>Enable or disabe NIO support for the broker Boolean false true/falseMandatory 
<transport>Determines which transport type to use Stringnio Mandatory 
<port> Int 5672 Mandatory 
<socketReceiveBuffer> Int32768 Mandatory 
<socketSendBuffer> Int 32768  Mandatory 


This comes under the <connector> parameter. The SSL section allows configuration of SSL and related keystore settings. By default, SSL is enabled with default parameters. If <sslOnly> is set to true, the Non-SSL port is disabled.

Configurable Sub Elements

Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<enabled> Enables SSL for the Message Broker server Booleantrue true/false Mandatory 
<sslOnly> The sslOnly option is included here for completeness, however this will disable the unencrypted port and leave only the SSL port listening for connections. Booleanfalse true/false Mandatory 
<keystorePath> The path to the keystone directory. String



repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks  Mandatory 
<keystorePassword> Password for the keystone. String wso2carbon wso2carbon Mandatory 
<truststorePath>Defines the location of the truststore.Stringrepository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks   
<truststorePassword>Password for the truststore.Stringwso2carbon   


This configuration option is for managing the JMX console. 

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<enabled>This element allows the user to switch the connectivity of the management console on/off i.e. if the enabled tag is set to false you will not be able to connect a management console to this broker instance.Booleantruetrue/falseMandatory 
<jmxport> The JMX Management port is set to 8999 by default but it can be changed here in the XML.Int8999N/AMandatory 
<ssl>SSL related configurations for the management console.     
        <enabled>The sub element of <ssl>. Determines whether or not SSL is enabled for the management console.Booleanfalsetrue/falseMandatory 
        <keyStorePath>Sub element of <ssl>. Update the path to your keystore location, or run the bin/create-example-ssl-stores (.sh|.bat) script from within the etc/ folder to generate an example store with a self-signed cert.String${conf}/qpid.keystoreN/AMandatory 
       <keyStorePassword>Password for the keystore provided.StringpasswordN/AMandatory 


The elements in this section are used under the covers in the broker. At present, we do not recommend any changes to these settings.

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<filterchain>  Boolean truetrue/falseMandatory 
<enablePooledAllocator>  Boolean falsetrue/falseMandatory 
<enableDirectBuffers>  Boolean falsetrue/falseMandatory 
<framesize>  Int 65535N/AMandatory 
<compressBufferOnQueue>  Boolean falsetrue/falseMandatory 
<enableJMSXUserID>  Boolean falserue/falseMandatory 
<locale> Stringen_USN/AMandatory 

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The security section specifies exactly one authentication manager (responsible for determining that a user's credentials are correct) and zero or more access plugins (limits what the user may and may not do). No configuration change is needed here.


This element allows you to specify a location for the virtualhosts.xml file that you wish to use. If you are not using a subdirectory under $QPID_HOME you can provide a fully qualified path instead. For more information on the content of the virtualhosts.xml file please see andes-virtualhosts.xml.


Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes

Type of LoadBalancingPolicy to be used with Hector. There are 3 implementations provided: LeastActiveBalancingPolicy, RoundRobinBalancingPolicy (the default) and DynamicLoadBalancingPolicy.

<maxWaitTimeWhenExhausted>The maximum amount of time to wait if there are no clients available.Milliseconds4000N/A  
<maxActive>The maximum number of active clients to allow.Int4000N/A  
<useHostTimeoutTracker>Track HTimeoutExceptions recieved from specific hosts over a period of time.BooleantrueN/A  
<hostTimeoutCounter>The number of times each host is retried before suspending the host for a number of seconds.Int10N/A  
<hostTimeoutSuspensionDurationInSeconds>The number of seconds the host will be suspended.Seconds10N/A  


The Qpid broker sends an internal (only) heartbeat. This element allows configuration of the frequency of this heartbeat. You need to to configure a proper delay for the heartbeat value if the connections are going to stay idle for a long time. To see a description of all related configurations see Configure Broker and Client Heartbeating.

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<delay>Heart beat delay Int 0N/A  
<timeoutFactor>Heat beat time out factor Float 2.0N/A  


This parameter should NOT be changed lightly as it sets the broker up to automatically bind queues to exchanges. It could theoretically be used to prevent users from creating new queues at runtime, assuming that you have created all queues/topics etc at broker startup. However, the best advice is to leave it unchanged for now. Enabling the <viewMessageCounts> element in this section will directly affect the broker performance so set it to true only if a performance degrade is acceptable.

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<auto_register>Determines whether or not to register the queue name in the server at the time it is created.Booleantruetrue/false  

Activates the queue message counters and the message count of each queue is then displayed in the admin console by default. When set to false, the message count can be read from the console on user demand.



All tuning parameters for WSO2 Message Broker is defined under this tag. Threading wait times, thread pool sizes and message batch sizes can be configured to suit the memory availability and the performance expected. There is a balance between performance, reliability, and the resources on hand.

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<maximumNumberOfMessageDeliveryAttempts>This parameter is used to configure the number of times a configured message should be attempted to be delivered to the subscriber. If there is no positive acknowledgement from the client or there were rollbacks for a "Transacted" message delivery, after this number of delivery attempts have been breached, the message will be dropped from the store and it will be lost. Int 10 N/A Mandatory 


WSO2 Message Broker can be clustered to meet scalability requirements. There are a few clustering patterns supported by WSO2 MB with Cassandra and Zookeeper servers also clustered. See Clustered Deployment for more information.  

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes
<enabled>Determines whether to enable the broker to start in clustered mode or stand-alone mode. Clustered mode is indicated by setting the value to true whereas false indicates the standalone mode.Stringfalsetrue/falseMandatory 
<externalCassandraServerRequired>Determines whether to use external Cassandra (MB Cassandra profile), or the embedded server.Booleanfalsetrue/false  
<externalZookeeperServerRequired>Determines whether to use external Zookeeper (MB Zookeeper profile), or the embedded server.Booleanfalsetrue/false  
<GlobalQueueCount>Number of Global Queues that should be created for the broker node.Int10   
<coordination>In clustered mode, this configuration is important.     
<ZooKeeperConnection>A sub-element of <coordination>. As WSO2 Message Broker uses ZooKeeper to make synchronizations and notifications in a clustered environment, it should be pointed to a running ZooKeeper server configuring this parameter.


<ReferenceTime>A sub-element of <coordination>. When message IDs are generated internally during clustered deployment, this configuration value is used.String (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)2012-02-29 08:08:08N/AMandatory 


This configuration is found under <tuning>. In Broker operations at various places messages are read or written, either to memory or to the Cassandra Database. In order to handle performance and to cope with the memory requirements, you might want to configure the sizes of message batches that should be handled. 

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes

Message delivery from server to the client will be paused temporarily if the number of delivered but unacknowledged messages reaches this size. Should be set considering the message consume rate.


Maximum number of undelivered messages that can be kept in memory per queue.

Int1000N/AMandatoryConsider allocated memory size when increasing this value

The message batch size moved to subscriber queues from the global queue at once. Increasing this value increase the chance of breaking the order delivery guarantee but performance will be improved.

<messageBatchSizeForSubscribers>The message batch size taken in to memory at a time to deliver to subscribers.     
<default>A sub-element of <messageBatchSizeForSubscribers>. Initially this value will be taken as the batch size of messages to read into memory. Int50N/AMandatoryThis should be a value between max and min values below
<max>A sub-element of <messageBatchSizeForSubscribers>. The broker will increase batch size dynamically upto this value if there are many messages.Int300N/AMandatoryConsider size of a message when increasing.
<min>The broker will try to read at least this number of messages into memory.Int20N/AMandatoryConsider the performance when decreasing.

Maximum number of messages taken into memory when transering from interal queues to node-wise queues. You need to increase the memory allocation from the broker if you increase this value.

Int700N/AMandatoryIncreasing this will increase the consumer throughout
<contentPublisherMessageBatchSize>Maximum number of message chunks to buffer before message contents are written to Cassandra.Int200N/AMandatory 
<medataDatePublisherMessageBatchSize>Maximum number of messages meta data to buffer before message meta data are written to Cassandra.Int200N/AMandatory 
<messageBatchSizeForBrowserSubscriptions>Maximum number of messages to be fetched using the Andes message browser when browsing queues.Int200N/AMandatoryNumber of entries attempted to load for Queue Browser Window will depend on this entry.


Configurations to define thread pool sizes for WSO2 Message Broker.

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes

This is the thread pool size which will be used by the "Sender Task" to send messages asynchronously to the subscriber.

Int10N/AMandatoryConsider the value of the <messageBatchSizeForSubscribers> parameter when configuring this pool size.

This is the thread pool size which will be used by the internal Queue copy Task to move messages to from Global Queue to Node queue in Cassandra tables.

Int5N/AMandatoryIncrease this to a higher value if there are lots of subscriptions in the system.
<andesInternalParallelThreadPoolSize>This is the thread pool size which will be used by the Andes core to schedule its internal parallel tasks.Int50N/AMandatory 
<publisherPoolSize>This is the thread pool size which will be used by the queue delivery workers.Int50N/AMandatoryIncrease this to a higher value if there are lots of unique queues to the system.


These are time based configurations for WSO2 Message Broker. 

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes

Maximum wait time for acknowledgement from subscribers of a batch of sent messages.

<queueMsgDeliveryCurserResetTimeInterval>Time to wait until older messages in queues start being delivered. After this much of time has passed, messages from the beginning of the queue will start being delivered. Milliseconds60000N/AMandatory 
<queueWorkerInterval>Running interval for queue worker thread.Milliseconds500N/AMandatory 

Messages addressed to topics are buffered to be removed. Thread to clear off messages from store message will be run once this time.

<contentRemovalTaskInterval>Content of messages which are delivered to the client is buffered to be removed. Thread to clear the content of delivered messages will be run once this time.Milliseconds4000N/AMandatory 
<contentRemovalTimeDifference>Broker will wait until a timeout happens before removing messages delivered or not delivered for Topic subscribers.Seconds600000N/AMandatory 
<topicPublisherTaskInterval>The Running interval for Topic Publisher Task delivering messages to subscribers for topics.Milliseconds1000N/AMandatory 

Virtual host sync interval for the Virtual host syncing Task which will sync the Virtual host details across the cluster



Configurations to define the flow control in WSO2 Message Broker.

Configurable Sub Elements
Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes


The memory threshold at which flow controlling is enabled in MB. (Note that this is triggered when the memory usage of the server exceeds the configured value after the most recent cycle of Garbage Collection taken place for recycling the unused objects in the memory pool being used). Calculated as the Threshold Memory/Total Available Memory.Int0.4N/A  


The memory threshold at which request acceptance is continued after flow controlling is activated in MB.Int0.5N/A  


The number of messages accumulated in the internal queue structures at which flow control is triggered in the MB server.Int1000N/A  

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com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.