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Creating Hierarchical Topic Subscriptions

This sample demonstrates how to publish messages to topics and sub topics in a topic hierarchy and to create hierarchical topic subscriptions.

About the sample

The <MB_HOME>/Samples/HierarchicalTopicsSubscriber/src/org/sample/jms directory has the following classes:

  • class defines a client that subscribes to a hierarchical topic structure of which the main topic is Games.

  • class defines a client that publishes messages in the hierarchical topic structure mentioned above.

  • class defines the method to call both the clients.

Click the relevant tab to see the code.


See Prerequisites to Run the MB Samples for a list of prerequisites.

Executing the sample

Run the ant command from <MB_HOME>/samples/HierarchicalTopicsSubscriber directory.

Analyzing the output

When you run the sample, you will see the following in the output log in the console.

     [java]  Receiving messages for Games.Cricket.* :
     [java]  Receiving messages for Games.Cricket.# :