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Using Transactional Sessions

This sample demonstrates how transactional messages work with WSO2 MB.


See Prerequisites to Run the MB Samples for a list of prerequisites.

About the sample

In this sample, a JMS subscriber connects to WSO2 MB and publishes messages to a queue using a 'transacted' session. Using this session ensures that the messages published will persist in WSO2 MB (i.e. will be stored to the DB) only when they are committed. Therefore, as demonstrated by this sample, publishing messages to WSO2 MB through a transacted session involves two steps:

  1. The messages have to be sent from the publisher client.
  2. The messages have to be committed from the publisher client.

The <MB_HOME>/Samples/JMSQueueClient/src/org/sample/jms directory has the following classes implementing the behaviour explained above.

Building the sample

Run the ant command from <MB_HOME>/Samples/TransactionalPublisher directory.

Analyzing the output

The result log shown above explains how the transactional session has worked when publishing messages:

[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.MainClass - ------Sample for Message Sending and Committing.------
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.TransactionalQueuePublisher - Message sent : My First Message.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.QueueConsumer - No messages were received within 5 seconds.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.TransactionalQueuePublisher - Message sent : My Second Message.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.TransactionalQueuePublisher - Committing messages.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.QueueConsumer - Received message : My First Message.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.QueueConsumer - Received message : My Second Message.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.MainClass - ------Sample for Message Sending, Rollback and Committing.------
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.TransactionalQueuePublisher - Message sent : My Third Message.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.QueueConsumer - No messages were received within 5 seconds.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.TransactionalQueuePublisher - Rollbacks all uncommitted messages.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.TransactionalQueuePublisher - Message sent : My Forth Message.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.TransactionalQueuePublisher - Committing messages.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.QueueConsumer - Received message : My Forth Message.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.QueueConsumer - No messages were received within 5 seconds.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.TransactionalQueuePublisher - Shutting down publisher.
[java] INFO : org.sample.jms.QueueConsumer - Shutting down consumer.