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About this Release

WSO2 Open Banking provides the technology requirements that banks need in order to become PSD2 compliant and digitally transformed. It combines the technical capabilities of WSO2 API Manager, WSO2 Identity Server, WSO2 Stream Processor and WSO2 Enterprise Integrator with PSD2-specific feature customizations to quickly satisfy open banking requirements. 

For more information on WSO2 Open Banking, see the overview and architecture pages in our documentation, and the product page on WSO2 Open Banking.

What is new in this release

The WSO2 Open Banking version 1.2.0 is the successor of version 1.1.0. It contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Introduction of the /wiki/spaces/OB120UK/pages/11863528 feature, which facilitates detecting fradulent transactions by utilzing a predetermined set of fraud rules
  • Implementation of the Berlin specification v1.1.0
  • Improvements to the UK V2.0 specification

What has changed in this release

No features were removed or deprecated in this release. 

WUM updates

This section lists out the features that were updated or introduced newly to WSO2 OB 1.2.0 via WUM updates.

Updated and newly introduced featuresThe date of the update
Support for securing APIs using Mutual SSL2018-11-08
Support for manual registration with OBIE (Open Banking Implementation Entity)2018-11-15
Support for generating reports as per the monitoring requirements of the OB UK specification2018-12-09
Adding configuration for validating URIs sent in the SSA (Software Statement Assertion) for dynamic client registration2018-12-09
Availability of Open Banking directory authorization URL parameters in the request2018-12-14

Fixed issues

For a list of fixed issues, see WSO2 Open Banking 1.2.0 - Fixed Issues.