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User Management

The user management feature allows you to create new users and define the permissions granted to each user. You can also configure the user stores that are used for storing data related to user management.

For detailed information on working with user management, see the following sections in the WSO2 Administration Guide:

Configuring the System AdministratorThe admin user is the super tenant who is able to manage all other users, roles, and permissions in the system by using the management console of the product. Therefore, the user that has admin permissions has to be stored in the primary user store when you start the system for the first time. The documentation on setting up primary user stores explains how to configure the administrator while configuring the user store. The information under this topic explains the main configurations that are relevant to setting up the system administrator.
Configuring the Authorization ManagerAccording to the default configuration in WSO2 products, the users, roles and permissions are stored in the same repository (i.e., the default, embedded H2 database). However, you can change this configuration in such a way that the users and roles are stored in one repository (user store) and the permissions are stored in a separate repository. A user store can be a typical RDBMS, a LDAP, or an external Active Directory. 

The repository that stores permissions should always be a RDBMS. The Authorization Manager configuration in the user-mgt.xml file connects the system to this RDBMS. The information under this topic instructs you through setting up and configuring the Authorization Manager.  

Configuring User Stores

The user management feature allows you to maintain multiple user stores for storing users and their roles. See the following topics for instructions:

Managing Users, Roles and Permissions

The user management functionality is provided by default, and it supports the role-based authentication model where privileges of a user are based on the role attached. For more information on managing users, roles, and permissions see the following sections in the WSO2 Administration Guide.