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Integrate API Manager Analytics

The API Manager Analytics provides reports, statistics and graphs on the APIs deployed in WSO2 Open Banking API Manager. You can then configure alerts to monitor these APIs and detect unusual activity, manage locations via geo-location statistics and carry out a detailed analysis of the logs. 

This section explains how to integrate API Manager Analytics with the WSO2 Open Banking solution.

Before you begin,

Download API-M Analytics 2.6.0 and unzip the file, or add API-M Analytics 2.6.0 through WUM using the following commands:

  1. Add API-M Analytics 2.6.0 WUM pack.

    wum add wso2am-analytics-2.6.0 
  2. Update API-M Analytics 2.6.0 product packs using WUM.

    wum update wso2am-analytics-2.6.0

    WSO2 Updates Manager (WUM) is deprecated and will be unavailable from July 2021 onwards. WSO2 Updates is the new tool to include the solution and security improvements that are released by WSO2 Open Banking, on top of a released version. For more information, see WSO2 Updates.

     Click here to see how to update the solution via WSO2 Update tool...

    The WSO2 Update tool delivers hotfixes and updates seamlessly on top of products as WSO2 Updates. They include improvements that are released by WSO2. You need to update the product using the relevant script.

    • Go to <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/bin and run the WSO2 Update tool: 

By default, the API Management Analytics has a port offset of 1. This guide is instructed for a server that runs API Management Analytics with the port offset set to 1.

Configuring the API Management Analytics 

Follow the instructions below to configure the API Management Analytics to publish statistics.

  1. Open the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/api-manager.xml file. 
  2. Configure the properties under the <Analytics> sub element.

            <!-- Enable Analytics for API Manager -->
            <!-- Server URL of the remote StreamProcessor server used to collect statistics. Must
                be specified in protocol://hostname:port/ format.
                An event can also be published to multiple Receiver Groups each having 1 or more receivers. Receiver
                Groups are delimited by curly braces whereas receivers are delimited by commas.
                Ex - Multiple Receivers within a single group
                Ex - Multiple Receiver Groups with two receivers each
                {tcp://localhost:7612/,tcp://localhost:7613},{tcp://localhost:7712/,tcp://localhost:7713/} -->
  3. Save the changes and restart the WSO2 Open Banking API Manager server.

Configuring databases

The following is a list of database versions that are compatible with the Analytics profile.

  • MySQL 5.6
  • MySQL 5.7 
  • Oracle 12c
  • MS SQL Server 2012

You can configure databases to persist, process and analyze API-related data. Follow the steps below to configure the databases.

When using Oracle or MS SQL, download the database driver and include it within <WSO2_APIM_ANALYTICS_HOME>/lib directory.

  1. Create the openbank_apimgt_statsdb database in your database server.

  2. Configure the worker profile.   

    Open the <WSO2_OB_API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file. Update the APIM_ANALYTICS_DB datasource pointing it to the openbank_apimgt_statsdb database using your database configurations.

    If you are using Oracle, update the connectionTestQuery in each datasource with the following value.

    connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
    description: The Datasource used for APIM Analytics
      name: jdbc/APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
      type: RDBMS
        jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:<DB_TYPE>://<DB_HOST>:<DB_PORT>/openbank_apimgt_statsdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
        username: <DB_USERNAME>
        password: <DB_PASSWORD>
        driverClassName: <DB_DRIVER>
        maxPoolSize: 50
        idleTimeout: 60000
        connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
        validationTimeout: 30000
        isAutoCommit: false
  3. Configure the dashboard profile.   

    Open the <WSO2_OB_API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml file. Update the APIM_ANALYTICS_DB datasource with your database configurations.

    If you are using Oracle, update the connectionTestQuery in each datasource with the following value.

    connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
    description: The Datasource used for APIM Analytics
      name: jdbc/APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
      type: RDBMS
        jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:<DB_TYPE>://<DB_HOST>:<DB_PORT>/openbank_apimgt_statsdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'
        username: <DB_USERNAME>
        password: <DB_PASSWORD>
        driverClassName: <DB_DRIVER>
        maxPoolSize: 50
        idleTimeout: 60000
        connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
        validationTimeout: 30000
        isAutoCommit: false

    By default, the following datasource entries are configured to H2 databases. If required, you can create external databases and point these entries to them.

    Datasource NameFile
    WSO2_PERMISSIONS_DB<WSO2_OB_API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml <WSO2_OB_API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml

    The GEO_LOCATION_DATA datasource should be configured when you are using Geo-location based statistics

  4. Integrate third-party products when configuring databases.

    WSO2 Stream Processor is an OSGi-based product. Therefore, when you integrate third party products such as Oracle and MS SQL with WSO2 API-M Analytics, you need to check whether the libraries you need to add are OSGi based. If they are not, you need to convert them to OSGi bundles before adding them to the <WSO2_OB_API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/lib directory. 

    To convert the jar files to OSGi bundles, follow the steps below.

    1. Download the non-OSGi jar for the required third party product, and save it in a preferred directory in your machine.

    2. Go to the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/bin directory. Run the command given below, to generate the converted file in the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/lib directory.

    ./ <PATH_TO_NON-OSGi_JAR> ../lib

Configuring the Keystores

In the SSL handshake between the API Manager and API Manager Analytics servers, the client (i.e. API Manager) needs to verify the certificate presented by the server (i.e. API Manager Analytics). For this purpose, the client stores the trusted certificate of the server in the client-truststore.jks keystore.

If you use a custom keystore in API Manager and/or API Manager Analytics, import the public key certificate of API Manager Analytics into the client-truststore.jks file of the API Manager. To export the public key from the server and import it into the client's trust store, follow the steps given in Adding CA-signed certificates to keystores in the Administration Guide.

Starting the servers

You can enable performance tuning by adding configurations, as described in Performance Tuning in the WSO2 Stream Processor documentation.

  1. Navigate to the <WSO2_OB_API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/bin directory, and give execution permissions to the file.
  2. Run the API-M Analytics as follows:

  3. Navigate to the <WSO2_OB_API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/bin directory, and give execution permissions to the file.
  4. Run the API-M Analytics as follows:

  5. You can view analytics data as described below:
    1. Log in to the API Store using the credentials provided during signup.
    2. Click the Analytics tab.
    3. You can view API Usage, Top Users and Faulty Invocations details through the subtopics.
  6. To observe data analysis based on geographical locations, see Configuring Geolocation Based Statistics.