Configuring cloud-controller.xml
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Configuring cloud-controller.xml

Sample configurations

<cloudController xmlns:svns="http://org.wso2.securevault/configuration">
		provider="org.wso2.securevault.secret.handler.SecretManagerSecretCallbackHandler" />
    	<dataPublisher enable="false">
		<!-- BAM Server Info - default values are 'admin' and 'admin' 
			 Optional element. -->
            		<!-- BAM server URL should be specified in carbon.xml -->
			<adminPassword svns:secretAlias="cloud.controller.bam.server.admin.password">admin</adminPassword>
		<!-- Default cron expression is '1 * * * * ? *' meaning 'first second of every minute'.
			 Optional element. -->
		<cron>1 * * * * ? *</cron>
		<!-- Cassandra cluster related info -->
			<password svns:secretAlias="cloud.controller.cassandra.server.password">admin</password>
    	<topologySync enable="true">
		<property name="cron" value="1 * * * * ? *" />
        <!-- Specify the properties that are common to an IaaS here. This element 
                is not necessary [0..1]. But you can use this section to avoid specifying 
                same property over and over again. -->
        	<EC2_PROVIDER_STARTiaasProvider type="ec2" name="ec2 specific details">
                        <identity svns:secretAlias="cloud.controller.ec2.identity">EC2_IDENTITY</identity>
                        <credential svns:secretAlias="cloud.controller.ec2.credential">EC2_CREDENTIAL</credential>
                        <property name="jclouds.ec2.ami-query" value="owner-id=EC2_OWNER_ID;state=available;image-type=machine"/>
                        <property name="availabilityZone" value="EC2_AVAILABILITY_ZONE"/>
                        <property name="securityGroups" value="EC2_SECURITY_GROUPS"/>
                        <property name="autoAssignIp" value="true" />
                        <property name="keyPair" value="EC2_KEYPAIR"/>
                <OPENSTACK_PROVIDER_STARTiaasProvider type="openstack" name="openstack specific details">
                        <identity svns:secretAlias="cloud.controller.openstack.identity">OPENSTACK_IDENTITY</identity>
                        <credential svns:secretAlias="cloud.controller.openstack.credential">OPENSTACK_CREDENTIAL</credential>
                        <property name="jclouds.endpoint" value="OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT" />
            		    <property name="jclouds.openstack-nova.auto-create-floating-ips" value="false"/>
                        <property name="jclouds.api-version" value="2.0/" />
                        <property name="X" value="x" />
                        <property name="Y" value="y" />
                <VCLOUD_PROVIDER_STARTiaasProvider type="vcloud" name="VMware vCloud specific details">
                        <identity svns:secretAlias="cloud.controller.vcloud.identity">VCLOUD_IDENTITY</identity>
                        <credential svns:secretAlias="cloud.controller.vcloud.credential">VCLOUD_CREDENTIAL</credential>
                        <property name="jclouds.endpoint" value="VCLOUD_ENDPOINT" />
                        <property name="jclouds.vcloud.version.schema" value="1.5" />
                        <property name="jclouds.api-version" value="1.5" />
			<property name="autoAssignIp" value="true" />
                        <property name="X" value="x" />
                        <property name="Y" value="y" />

Element definitions

The following are the configurations in the cloud-controller.xml file.

BAM server

The Cloud Controller will connect to the BAM server to publish data. Therefore, the connection information related to the BAM server needs to be specified. The BAM server URL should be specified in the carbon.xml file.

XML ElementDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory/
<adminUserName> The admin's username to connect to the BAM server.adminOptional
<adminPassword>The admin's password to connect to the BAM server. adminOptional

Data publisher cron

XML ElementDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory/
<cron> This defines how often the cron job is scheduled for the data publisher.

 1 * * * * ? * 

The above value meaning 'first second of every minute'


Cassandra information

The Cloud Controller will connect to the Cassandra server for data retrieval. Therefore, the Cassandra server related information needs to be specified.

XML ElementDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory/
<connectionUrl> Cassandra endpoint URL.N/AOptional
<userName> Username used to connect to Cassandra. N/AOptional
<password> Password used to connect to Cassandra. N/AOptional

Topology synchronization

XML ElementAttributeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory/
<topologySync> enableThis is used to enable and disable topology synchronization. If topologySync is enabled the topology will get updated periodically.trueMandatory


This configuration can be used to specify topology synchronization related properties. For more information, see the section below.N/A N/A

Topology synchronization related properties

Property Attribute NamePossible Property ValuesDescriptionMandatory/

1 * * * * ? * 

The above value meaning 'first second of every minute'

Used to specify property names.Mandatory only if topologySync  is enabled.

IaaS providers

Properties that are common to the various IaaS being used can be specified. This section is not mandatory to maintain. However, it can be used to avoid repeatedly specifying the  same property.

XML ElementAttributeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory/


typeType of IaaS provider.EC2ec2Optional
nameSummarized description of the IaaS provider.All IaaSN/AOptional


 The class name of the IaaS implementation.EC2org.apache.stratos.cloud.controller.iaases.AWSEC2IaasMandatory
<provider>  The IaaS provider's name.All IaaSN/AMandatory
<identity> IaaS provider's identity number.All IaaSN/AMandatory
<credential> IaaS provider's credentials.All IaaSN/AMandatory
<property> name

This configuration can be used to specify IaaS provider related properties. For more information, see the section below.

All IaaSN/AOptional

IaaS specific properties

IaaS level properties 

These properties can not be overridden by the cartridge definition.

Property Attribute Name

Relevant IaaS


Default ValueExample Value


X X The AWS owner ID of the account.N/A537938826222



The endpoint of the IaaS. jclouds will communicate with the IaaS through this endpoint. 

The jclouds.endpoint value needs to be specified differently based on the IaaS.
For example:

IaaSValue Format
OpenStack http://<openstack_ip>:<port>/v<API-VERSION>
vCloud https://<PROVIDER_URL>/api






X X This is a flag to indicate that when a node is spawned, a floating IP should be automatically set, and removed when the instance is terminated.falsefalse, true


X The API version of jclouds.The API version will vary based on the IaaS.

OpenStack 2.0

vClouds 1.5

2.0, 1.5


X XThe schema version of vCloud.1.51.5

Cartridge level properties

The following properties will be applicable to all cartridges. However, if you want to use different properties per cartridge or want to use a different property for a specific cartridge, you can override the cloud controller cartridge level properties by the IaaS provider properties that are defined in the cartridge definitionThis will enable cartridges to be customized based on various factors.

Property NameRelevant IaaSDescriptionDefault ValueExample Values
associatePublicIpAddressXXWhen using virtual private cloud (VPC) this property needs to be assigned to true, so that your cartridge instance will be assigned a public IP.truetrue, false
autoAssignIpThis is used to determine whether your cartridge will be assigned a public IP or private IP. If this property, is true a public IP will be assigned to your cartridge. If this property is false the IP will be assigned manually. truetrue, false

The name of the availability zone.

I f you are using more than one partition, define the availability zone only in the cartridge definition and make sure not to define the availability zone in the cloud-controller.xml. This will enable the Autoscaler to dynamically select availability zone based on the partition.

blockUntilRunning XX

This will determine whether or not the instance spawning call to the IaaS will be blocked, in order to retrieve IP addresses. If you wish to auto assign IPs, the instance spawning call should be blocking, but if you wish to assign IPs manually, it can be non-blocking.

falsetrue, false
defaultFloatingIpPool X XIf the floating IPs have not been pre-allocated for the respective tenant, when launching a cartridge, the floating IP allocation will fail. This property is used to specify the name of the floating IP pool that needs to be used.N/APublicPool1



The type of instance that determines the instance size, which needs to be used. In OpenStack this is referred to as flavor.

The instance type value needs to be specified differently based on the IaaS.
For example:

IaaSValue Format





keyPair X The name of the private key that corresponds to the key pair used to connect to the instance.N/Aapache-stratos-key1
securityGroupIds X When defining a security group in a VPC scenario, this property should be used instead of the securityGroups property.N/Asg-c999f7a6
securityGroups X The name of the security group that is used to define the IP filter rules for the instance.N/Asg-c999f7a6
shellType X X The type of shell scripting language being used in the cartridge. This property is used to identify the correct customization script to use when passing the payload to the cartridge.N/Abash, sh, cmd
subnetId X X ID used to identify the virtual private cloud (VPC). For more information, go to Amazon VPC.N/Asubnet-3b8a7d2g
tag X X

A tag is a name value pair used to filter instances. For more information, go to Using Tags.
For example: <property name="tag.a" value="x" />

tags X X Defines the names of multiple tags. For example: <property name="tags" value="a,b,c,d" /> N/Aa,b,c,d
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