com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

GCE Specific Configurations

The following are additional configurations that you need to set when using GCE:

Creating a GCE service account

 Follow the instructions below to create a GCE service account:
  1. Navigate to the Google Developers Console.

  2. Create a project in GCE. 
    This will give a project ID for the project. In this case the project ID is as follows: ultra-component-108507

  3. Create a service account.
    Every GCE account has a service account that is used for authentication purposes and to enable advanced features. Follow the instructions below to create a service account.

    1. On the APIs and auth menu, click Credentials.
    2. Select the JSON option.
    3. Click Create to create the service account. 

      This will download a JSON file containing the following: private key, client email, client ID etc.

Adding a firewall rule

Either edit the default firewall rules or add a new firewall in GCE. By default, incoming traffic from outside is blocked. 

Follow the instructions below to update the default firewall rules:

  1. Navigate to the Google Developers Console.
  2. On the Networking menu, click Firewall rules.
  3. Update the  default-allow-internal firewall rule.
    1. Click on the  default-allow-internal firewall rule.
      This firewall rule allows only private IPs to access the instance.  Therefore, you need to edit the  firewall rule to allow access from outside.
    2. Click Edit. 
    3. Select Allow from any source (  from the drop-down menu to allow traffic from outside and save it.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.