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Time Extension

This extension provides time related functionality to Siddhi such as getting the current time, current date, manipulating/formatting dates, etc. Following are the functions of the time extension.

Current Date function

Syntax<string> time:currentDate ( )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the current system date in the yyyy-MM-dd format.
ExamplecurrentDate() returns 2015-08-20.


Current Time function

Syntax<string> currentTime ( )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the current system time in the HH:mm:ss format.
ExamplecurrentTime() returns 13:15:10.


Current Timestamp function

Syntax<string> time: currentTimestamp ( )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the current system timestamp in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
ExamplecurrentTimestamp() returns 2015-08-20 13:15:10.

Date Adding function

The common parameters of this function are described below.

  • dateValue : A value of date. e.g., "2014-11-11 13:23:44.657""2014-11-11""13:23:44.657"
  • expr : The amount by which the selected part of the date format should be incremented. e.g., 2 ,5 ,10 etc.
  • unit : The part of the date format that needs to be manipulated. e.g., "MINUTE" , "HOUR" , "MONTH" , "YEAR" , "QUARTER" , * "WEEK" , "DAY" , "SECOND"
  • dateFormat : The date format of the date value provided. e.g., yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
  • timestampInMilliseconds : The date value in milliseconds (from the epoch). e.g., 1415712224000L
Syntax<string> time: dateAdd (<string> dateValue , <long> expr, <string> unit, <string> dateFormat )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified date and time with the selected  unit  of the specified  dateValue  incremented by the given amount (i.e.  expr ).
ExampledateAdd("2014-11-11 13:23:44", 2, 'year',"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") returns "2016-11-11 13:23:44".
Syntax<string> time: dateAdd (<string>  dateValue  , < long >  expr,  <string>  unit )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified date and time with the selected  unit  of the specified  dateValue  incremented by the given amount (i.e.  expr ).
ExampledateAdd("2014-11-11 13:23:44", 2, 'year') returns "2016-11-11 13:23:44".
Syntax<string> time: dateAdd (<long>  timestampInMilliseconds, < long >   expr,  <string>  unit )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified time stamp with the selected  unit  of the specified  timestampInMilliseconds  incremented by the given amount (i.e.  expr ).
ExampledateAdd(1415692424000L, 2, 'year') returns "2016-11-11 13:23:44".

Date Subtraction function

The common parameters of this function are described below.

  • dateValue : A value of date. e.g., "2014-11-11 13:23:44.657""2014-11-11""13:23:44.657"
  • expr : The amount by which the selected part of the date format should be reduced. e.g., 2 ,5 ,10 etc.
  • unit : The part of the date format that needs to be manipulated. e.g., "MINUTE" , "HOUR" , "MONTH" , "YEAR" , "QUARTER" , * "WEEK" , "DAY" , "SECOND"
  • dateFormat : The date format of the date value provided. e.g., yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
  • timestampInMilliseconds : The date value in milliseconds (from the epoch). e.g., 1415712224000L
Syntax<string> time: dateSub (<string> dateValue , <long> expr, <string> unit, <string> dateFormat )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified date and time with the selected  unit  of the specified  dateValue  reduced by the given amount (i.e.  expr ).
ExampledateSub("2014-11-11 13:23:44", 2, 'year',"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") returns "2012-11-11 13:23:44".
Syntax<string> time: dateSub (<string>  dateValue  , < long >  expr,  <string>  unit )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified date and time stamp with he selected  unit  of the specified  dateValue  reduced by the given amount (i.e.  expr ).
ExampledateSub("2014-11-11 13:23:44", 2, 'year') returns "2012-11-11 13:23:44".
Syntax<string> time: dateSub (<long>  timestampInMilliseconds,  < long >   expr,  <string>  unit )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified time stamp with the selected  unit  of the specified  timestampInMilliseconds   reduced by the given amount (i.e.  expr ).
Example dateSub(1415692424000L, 2, 'year') returns 1352620424000.

Date Difference function

The common parameters of this function are described below.

  • dateValue1 : A value of date. e.g., "2014-11-11 13:23:44.657""2014-11-11" , "13:23:44.657"
  • dateValue2 : A value of date. e.g., "2014-11-11 13:23:44.657""2014-11-11" , "13:23:44.657"
  • dateFormat1 : The date format of  dateValue1 . e.g., yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
  • dateFormat2 : The date format of  dateValue2 . e.g., yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
  • timestampInMilliseconds1 : A date value in milliseconds (from the epoch) e.g., 1415712224000L
  • timestampInMilliseconds2 :A date value in milliseconds (from the epoch) e.g., 1415712224000L
Syntax<int> time: dateDiff (<string> dateValue1 ,  < string >  dateValue2 ,  <string> dateFormat1, <string> dateFormat2 )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the number of days between the two dates specified (i.e.  dateValue1  and  dateValue2 ).
ExampledateDiff('2014-11-11 13:23:44', '2014-11-9 13:23:44', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') returns 2.
Syntax<int> time: dateDiff (<string> dateValue1 ,  < string >  dateValue2 )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the number of days between the two dates specified (i.e.  dateValue1  and  dateValue2 ).
ExampledateDiff('2014-11-11 13:23:44.000', '2014-11-9 13:23:44.000') returns 2.
Syntax<int> time: dateDiff (<string> timestampInMilliseconds1 ,  < string >  timestampInMilliseconds2 )
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the number of days between the two date and time stamps specified (i.e.  timestampInMilliseconds1  and  timestampInMilliseconds2 ).
ExampledateDiff(1415692424000, 1415519624000) returns 2.


Date Format function

The common parameters of this function are described below.

  • dateValue : -A value of date. e.g., "2014-11-11 13:23:44.657", "2014-11-11" , "13:23:44.657" 
  • dateTargetFormat : The date format to which the specified  date value  needs to be converted. e.g., yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
  • dateSourceFormat : The date format of the  date value  provided. e.g., yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
  • timestampInMilliseconds : A date value in milliseconds (from the epoch) e.g., 1415712224000L
Syntax<string> time: dateFormat(<string>  dateValue,<string>  dateTargetFormat,<string>  dateSourceFormat)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns a formatted date string.
ExampledateFormat('2014-11-11 13:23:55', 'ss', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') returns 55.
Syntax<string> time: dateFormat(<string>  dateValue,<string>  dateTargetFormat)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns a formatted date string.
ExampledateFormat('2014-11-11 13:23:55.657', 'ss') returns 55.
Syntax<string>  time: dateFormat (<long> timestampInMilliseconds ,<string>  dateTargetFormat)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns a formatted date string.
ExampledateFormat(1415692424000, 'yyyy-MM-dd') returns 2014-11-11.  


Extract function

  • dateValue : A value of date. e.g., "2014-11-11 13:23:44.657""2014-11-11" , "13:23:44.657" 
  • unit : The part of the date format that needs to be manipulated. e.g., "MINUTE" , "HOUR" , "MONTH" , "YEAR" , "QUARTER" , * "WEEK" , "DAY" , "SECOND"
  • dateFormat : The date format of the date value provided. e.g., yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
  • timestampInMilliseconds : A date value in milliseconds (from the epoch) e.g., 1415712224000L
Syntax<int>  time: extract (<string> unit ,<string>  dateValue, <string> dataFormat)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified  unit  extracted from the specified  dateValue .
Exampleextract('year', '2014-3-11 02:23:44', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') returns 2014.
Syntax<int>  time: extract (<string> unit ,<string>  dateValue)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified  unit  extracted from the specified  dateValue .
Exampleextract('year', '2014-3-11 02:23:44.234') returns 2014.
Syntax<int>  time: extract (<long> timestampInMilliseconds ,<string>  unit)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the specified  unit  extracted from the specified  timestampInMilliseconds .
Exampleextract(1394484824000, 'year') returns 2014.


Date function

Syntax<string>  time: date (<string> dateValue ,<string>  dateFormat)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the date component of the dateValue.
Exampledate('2014-11-11 13:23:44', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') returns 2014-11-11.


Timestamp In Milliseconds function

Syntax<long>  time: timestampInMilliseconds ()
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the current time stamp in milliseconds.
ExampletimestampInMilliseconds() returns 1440160328693.
Syntax<long>  time: timestampInMilliseconds (<string> dateValue)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the time stamp of the specified  dateValue  in milliseconds. In order to use this function, the date format of the specified  dateValue  should be yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS .
ExampletimestampInMilliseconds('2007-11-30 10:30:19.000') returns 1196398819000.
Syntax<long>  time: timestampInMilliseconds (<string> dateValue, <string> dateFormat)
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the time stamp of the specified  dateValue  in milliseconds. The date format can be specified in the  dateForma t parameter.
ExampletimestampInMilliseconds('2007-11-30 10:30:19', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') returns 1196398819000.

UTC Timestamp function

Syntax<string> time: utcTimestamp()
Extension TypeFunction
DescriptionReturns the system time in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss date format.
ExampleutcTimestamp() returns 2015-08-21 12:16:13.