com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Stream Processor Studio Overview

This section introduces some of the main functionalities fo the Stream Processor Studio.

Starting Stream Processor Studio

To start and access the Stream Processor Studio, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Stream Processor Studio by issuing one of the following commands from the <SP_HOME>/bin directory.
    • For Windows: editor.bat
    • For Linux: ./
  2. Access the Stream Processor Studio via the http://localhost:<Stream_Processor_Studio_PORT>/editor URL. The Stream Processor Studio opens as shown below.

    The default URL is http://localhost:9390/editor

Welcome Page

  • New
    Click this to open a new untitled Siddhi file.

  • Open
    Click this to open a Siddhi file that is already saved in the workspace folder of the Stream Processor Studio. If the file is already opened in a new tab, clicking Open does not open it again. The default path to the workspace directory is <SP_Home>/wso2/editor/deployment.
  • Try out samples
    The pre-created samples provided out of the box are listed in this section. When you click on a sample, it opens in a new tab without a title.

  • More Samples
    Click this to view the complete list of samples in the samples directory. This allows you to access samples other than the ones hat are displayed by default is the Try out samples section. When you click on a sample, it opens in a new tab without a title.

  • Quick links
    This section provides links to more resources.

Menu items 

This section explains the options that are available in the File, Edit and Run menus.

File menu Items

The File menu includes the following options.

  • New
    Click this to open a new untitled Siddhi file. 
  • Open File
    Click this to open a Siddhi file that is already saved in the workspace directory of the Stream Processor Studio. If the file is already opened in a new tab, clicking this menu item does not open it again in another tab. The default path to the workspace directory is <SP_Home>/wso2/editor/deployment.
  • Import Sample
    Click this to import a sample from the samples diretory to a new tab. The sample opens in an untitled Siddhi file. Once you save it, it can be accessed from the workspace directory.
  • Save
    Click this to save an edited or new file to the workspace directory.
  • Save As
    Click this if you want to save an existing saved file with a different name. If you click this for an untitled Siddhi file, the normal save operation is executed (i.e., same operation carried out when you click Save).
  • Import File
    Click this to open a file from a system location. This file is opened in a new tab in the saved state with the same file name with which it is imported.
  • Export File
    Click this to export a saved file to a system location. This is only applicable to Siddhi application tabs that are in a saved state.
  • Close File
    Click this to close a currently active Siddhi application that is already open in a tab.
  • Close All Files
    Click this to close all the Siddhi files that are currently open.
  • Delete File
    Click this to delete the currently active Siddhi file from the workspace directory. Only Siddhi files that are already saved can be deleted.
  • Settings
    Click this to change the theme and the font size used in the Stream Processor Studio. The default theme is Twilight.

Edit menu Items

The Edit menu includes the following options.

  • Undo
    Click this to undo the last edit made to the Siddhi application that you are currently editing. Only unsaved edits can be undone.
  • Redo
    Click this to redo the edit that was last undone in the Siddhi application that you are currently editing. The redo operation can be carried out only if you have not saved the Siddhi application after you undid the change.
  • Find
    Click this to search for a specific string in the currently active Siddhi application tab.
  • Find and Replace
    Click this to search for a specific string in the currently active Siddhi application tab, and replace it with another string.

 Run menu Items

The Run menu includes the following options.

  • Run
    Click this to start the Siddhi application in the Run mode. Only saved Siddhi applications can be run.
  • Debug
    Click this to start the Siddhi application in the Debug mode. Only saved Siddhi applications can be run in this mode.
  • Stop
    Click this to stop a Siddhi application that is already started in either the Run or Debug mode.

Side Panel

File Explorer 

This provides a view of all the files saved. 

Event Simulator

Simulation can be carried out in two ways:

  • Single Simulation
  • Feed Simulation

For detailed information about event simulation, see Simulating Events.

Output Console

This provides feedback on various user activities carried out on the Stream Processor Studio. 


  • Run icon
    Click this to start a currently open Siddhi application in the Run mode. This icon is enabled only for saved Siddhi applications.
  • Debug icon
    Click this to start a currently open Siddhi application in the Debug mode. This icon is enabled only for saved Siddhi applications.
  • Stop icon
    Click this to stop a Siddhi application that is currently running in either the Run or Debug mode.


com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.