Supporting Different Transports
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Supporting Different Transports

Follow the relevant section for the steps that need to be carried out before using the required transport to receive and publish events via WSO2 SP.

Kafka transport

To enable WSO2 SP to receive and publish events via the Kafka transport, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Kafka broker from here.
  2. Convert and copy the Kafka client jars from the <KAFKA_HOME>/libs directory to the <SP_HOME>/lib directory as follows.
    1. Create a directory in a preferred location in your machine and copy the following JARs to it from the <KAFKA_HOME>/libs directory.

      This directory will be referred to as the SOURCE_DIRECTORY in the next steps.

      • kafka_2.11-
      • kafka-clients-
      • metrics-core-2.2.0.jar
      • scala-library-2.11.8.jar
      • scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.4.jar
      • zkclient-0.10.jar
      • zookeeper-3.4.9.jar

    2. Create another directory in a preferred location in your machine.

      This directory will be referred to as the DESTINATION_DIRECTORY in the next steps.

    3. To convert all the Kafka jars you copied into the <SOURCE_DIRECTORY>, issue the following command.
      • For Windows: <SP_HOME>/bin/jartobundle.bat <SOURCE_DIRECTORY_PATH> <DESTINATION_DIRECTORY_PATH>
    4. Copy the converted files from the <DESTINATION_DIRECTORY> to the <SP_HOME>/lib directory.

    5. Copy the jars that are not converted from the <SOURCE_DIRECTORY> to the <SP_HOME>/samples/sample-clients/lib directory.
  3. The Kafka server should be started before sending events from WSO2 SP to a Kafka consumer.
    a. To start the Kafka server you can refer to this document.

JMS transport

Follow the steps to configure the Apache ActiveMQ message broker:

  1. Install Apache ActiveMQ JMS.

    This guide uses ActiveMQ versions 5.7.0 - 5.9.0. If you want to use a later version, for instructions on the necessary changes to the configuration steps, go to Apache ActiveMQ Documentation.

  2. Download the activemq-client-5.x.x.jar from here.
  3. Register the InitialContextFactory implementation according to the OSGi JNDI spec and copy the client jar to the <SP_HOME>/lib directory as follows.

    1. Navigate to the SP_HOME>/bin directory and issue the following command.

      • For Linux./icf-provider.sh org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory <Downloaded Jar Path>/activemq-client-5.x.x.jar <Output Jar Path>
      • For Windows./icf-provider.bat org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory <Downloaded Jar Path>\activemq-client-5.x.x.jar <Output Jar Path> 

      If required, you can provide privileges via chmod +x icf-provider.(sh|bat).

      Once the client jar is successfully converted, the  activemq-client-5.x.x directory is created. This directory contains the following:

      • activemq-client-5.x.x.jar (original jar)
      • activemq-client-5.x.x_1.0.0.jar (OSGi-converted jar)

      In addition, the following messages are logged in the terminal.

      INFO: Executing 'jar uf <absolute_path>/activemq-client-5.x.x/activemq-client-5.x.x.jar -C <absolute_path>/activemq-client-5.x.x /internal/CustomBundleActivator.class' [timestamp] org.wso2.carbon.tools.spi.ICFProviderTool addBundleActivatorHeader - INFO: Running jar to bundle conversion [timestamp] org.wso2.carbon.tools.converter.utils.BundleGeneratorUtils convertFromJarToBundle - INFO: Created the OSGi bundle activemq_client_5.x.x_1.0.0.jar for JAR file <absolute_path>/activemq-client-5.x.x/activemq-client-5.x.x.jar
    2. Copy activemq-client-5.x.x/activemq-client-5.x.x.jar and place it in the <SP_HOME>/samples/sample-clients/lib directory.
    3. Copy activemq-client-5.x.x/activemq_client_5.x.x_1.0.0.jar and place it in the <SP_HOME>/lib directory.
  4. Create a directory in a preferred location in your machine and copy the following JARs to it from the <ActiveMQ_HOME>/libs directory.

    This directory is referred to as the  SOURCE_DIRECTORY  in the next steps.

    • hawtbuf-1.9.jar
    • geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar
    • geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar
  5. Create another directory in a preferred location in your machine.

    This directory will be referred to as the  DESTINATION_DIRECTORY  in the next steps.

  6. To convert all the Kafka jars you copied into the <SOURCE_DIRECTORY>, issue the following command.
  7. Copy the converted files from the <DESTINATION_DIRECTORY> to the <SP_HOME>/lib directory.

  8. Copy the jars that are not converted from the <SOURCE_DIRECTORY> to the <SP_HOME>/samples/sample-clients/lib directory.

MQTT transport

Follow the steps to configure the MQTT message broker:

  1. Download the  org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.1.1.jar file from here.
  2. Place the file you downloaded in the <SP_HOME>/lib directory.

RabbitMQ transport

Follow the steps below to configure the RabbitMQ message broker:

  1. Download RabbitMQ from here.
  2. Create a directory in a preferred location in your machine. This directory is referred to as at the <SOURCE_DIRECTORY> in the rest of the procedure.
  3. Copy the following files from the <RabbitMQ_HOME>/plugins directory to the <SOURCE_DIRECTORY>  you created.
  4. Create another directory in a preferred location in your machine. This directory is referred to as the <DESTINATION_DIRECTORY> in this procedure.

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